Fun with some more strangers

Apr 26, 2005 19:28

TumorsForEvery1: oh my goodness i have such a story to tell you girl
TumorsForEvery1: so i was in the movie and this old man was behind me and was eating popcorn
TumorsForEvery1: he was missing his mouth most of the time and the popcorn hit me
TumorsForEvery1: right
TumorsForEvery1: right
TumorsForEvery1: okay
TumorsForEvery1: so i got up and siad
TumorsForEvery1: haha siad i meant said lol lolololololol
TumorsForEvery1: BAHAHAHAHA
TumorsForEvery1: anyways i said to him "if you're going to eat please eat like a man"
TumorsForEvery1: then i realized it was my friends dad!
TumorsForEvery1: isn't that funny! lol!!!!!
TumorsForEvery1: hello?
TumorsForEvery1: shelby
TumorsForEvery1: shelby baby
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: hey
TumorsForEvery1: were u even listening
TumorsForEvery1: gosh
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: u just popped out of no where let me read it
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: yah thats funny
TumorsForEvery1: yeah u can say that again to an overturned pickle barrel
TumorsForEvery1: just kidding shelby baby
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: huh?
TumorsForEvery1: nm silly
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: lol
TumorsForEvery1: haha
TumorsForEvery1: hoh
TumorsForEvery1: hoho
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: lol
TumorsForEvery1: HAWOOOOOoo
TumorsForEvery1: lol
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: u seem hyper
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: lol
TumorsForEvery1: well u seem
TumorsForEvery1: uhm
TumorsForEvery1: hold on
TumorsForEvery1: bouyant
TumorsForEvery1: like a boat
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: lol
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: ok
TumorsForEvery1: u do
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: ooooooooooook
TumorsForEvery1: if some one tossed u into a bowl of fruit punch consisting of lemon, grape, passion fruit, and pineapple you would float
TumorsForEvery1: no LIE
TumorsForEvery1: so how about them celtics huh
TumorsForEvery1: huh
TumorsForEvery1: lol
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: how do u know
TumorsForEvery1: know what
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: that i wuld float
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: ?
TumorsForEvery1: oh wel my father is a Humanoid-hydro-bouyancy scientist
TumorsForEvery1: and the tests are back
TumorsForEvery1: so
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: lol
TumorsForEvery1: CONGRADULATION!!!!
TumorsForEvery1: u know
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: yah i no
TumorsForEvery1: if u were a skooner
TumorsForEvery1: or a tugboat
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: lol
TumorsForEvery1: i would totally ask u out
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: ys that?>
TumorsForEvery1: to go shrimp fishing
TumorsForEvery1: cause im hungry
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: lol
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: i dont like shrimp
TumorsForEvery1: HOW DARE YOU!
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: well i dont
TumorsForEvery1: baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: ba?
TumorsForEvery1: what
TumorsForEvery1: u crazy!
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: lol
TumorsForEvery1: u are a sheep who doesn't like shrimp
TumorsForEvery1: so back off
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: im a sheep?
TumorsForEvery1: can i call you hankie?
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: no u cant
TumorsForEvery1: why are you scared
TumorsForEvery1: hmm
TumorsForEvery1: scaredy panties
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: of what?>
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: lol
TumorsForEvery1: being called hankie the magnificent
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: not funny
TumorsForEvery1: im sorry sir that was out of line
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: sry hun but im not a sir
TumorsForEvery1: well i am definitely not of hungarian descent!
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: how did u get my s/n
TumorsForEvery1: oh i search cool to the max on google
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: what?
TumorsForEvery1: huh?
TumorsForEvery1: are u sane madam?
TumorsForEvery1: i think not
TumorsForEvery1: madma
TumorsForEvery1: madam mad more like
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: what r u tlkin about
TumorsForEvery1: woah calm down no need to frighten the children
TumorsForEvery1: beacuase my little sister is on my knee right now
TumorsForEvery1: so watch the language
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: how old is she?
TumorsForEvery1: 4
TumorsForEvery1: i think
TumorsForEvery1: yeah
TumorsForEvery1: she thinks your icon is super!
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: why is she on ur knee? and my frind said whats ur name and how old r u?
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: thank you
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: (whats her name)
TumorsForEvery1: jessica
TumorsForEvery1: i am hank smitch and 14 years old
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: she said she is maigan dobson and she is 15 yrs old
TumorsForEvery1: how bout you people at that place
TumorsForEvery1: awesome
TumorsForEvery1: maigan are u the son of dob?
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: im shelby algos and im 15
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: lol no shes not
TumorsForEvery1: darn i am looking for a man named dob
TumorsForEvery1: curse you dob
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: no dobson
TumorsForEvery1: i know i am cursing someone else named dob
TumorsForEvery1: silly
TumorsForEvery1: lol
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: lol
TumorsForEvery1: so u guys play checkers
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: no
TumorsForEvery1: darn
TumorsForEvery1: for
TumorsForEvery1: that
TumorsForEvery1: is
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: lol
TumorsForEvery1: bad
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: i ahte checkers
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: hate*
TumorsForEvery1: why they are delicious
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: lol
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: so what does ur s/n mean?
TumorsForEvery1: well my mother is a nuerosuergon
TumorsForEvery1: she works on brains
TumorsForEvery1: so she collects them right
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: ew!
TumorsForEvery1: at the hospital
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: collects?
TumorsForEvery1: for scientific study geez
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: i knew that
TumorsForEvery1: and i was little and found this box in the freezer right
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: y do u call me shelby baby?
TumorsForEvery1: beacause it is a sign of beauty in ireland
TumorsForEvery1: so at the time i was looking for dog food
TumorsForEvery1: and i was little so i was confused
TumorsForEvery1: so i gave my dog one and he ran out side
TumorsForEvery1: the smell attracted dogs
TumorsForEvery1: so i gave the dogs more of the "dog food"
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: yea.....
TumorsForEvery1: see very simple
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: it was really a brain?
TumorsForEvery1: no a tumor
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: ewwwwwwww
TumorsForEvery1: from inside a brain
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: tmi**
TumorsForEvery1: what?
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: never again
TumorsForEvery1: tmi?
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: to much info
TumorsForEvery1: oh
TumorsForEvery1: well u asked
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: brb
TumorsForEvery1: okay
TumorsForEvery1: shelby baby
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: no they r not
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: worng im
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: worng*/
pReTyhOtnTeMtIn2: wrong*

c0oKiEmOnStA212: im back
TumorsForEvery1: woah crazy
c0oKiEmOnStA212: lol
c0oKiEmOnStA212: what?
TumorsForEvery1: your sn
c0oKiEmOnStA212: lol
TumorsForEvery1: beacuase puppets dont use the internet
TumorsForEvery1: lol
TumorsForEvery1: oh HAHA
c0oKiEmOnStA212: lol
TumorsForEvery1: lol
c0oKiEmOnStA212: everyine calls me that
c0oKiEmOnStA212: ervyone*
TumorsForEvery1: why
TumorsForEvery1: are u a blue puppet
c0oKiEmOnStA212: naw b/c @ my skool sesamy streety is popular and elmo is gay so i picked cookie minster
TumorsForEvery1: cookie minister AHAHAH
TumorsForEvery1: o' HO
c0oKiEmOnStA212: monster*
TumorsForEvery1: oh
TumorsForEvery1: nm
TumorsForEvery1: then
TumorsForEvery1: lol
c0oKiEmOnStA212: so why do u?
TumorsForEvery1: what?
TumorsForEvery1: sing
TumorsForEvery1: it is pleasing to the ear
c0oKiEmOnStA212: no
TumorsForEvery1: oh what then
c0oKiEmOnStA212: call me ''shelby baby''
TumorsForEvery1: well i think my father got me into that habit
TumorsForEvery1: he always said hankie baby
c0oKiEmOnStA212: does ur father know me
TumorsForEvery1: i dont think so
TumorsForEvery1: no
TumorsForEvery1: wiat
TumorsForEvery1: yeah
c0oKiEmOnStA212: so u decided 2 call me shelby baby
c0oKiEmOnStA212: not funny
TumorsForEvery1: im sorry
TumorsForEvery1: so sorry
c0oKiEmOnStA212: for what?
TumorsForEvery1: for calling you shelby baby
c0oKiEmOnStA212: i dont care if u call me that
TumorsForEvery1: but u said not funny
c0oKiEmOnStA212: no i meant when us aid that ur dad did know me thats kinda freaky
c0oKiEmOnStA212: u said*
TumorsForEvery1: well he knows you from you know around
c0oKiEmOnStA212: lol
TumorsForEvery1: he volunteers to chapperon at other schools' dances
c0oKiEmOnStA212: seriously did u get my s/n/
TumorsForEvery1: he is very charitible
c0oKiEmOnStA212: s/n?**
TumorsForEvery1: rob told me
c0oKiEmOnStA212: rob?
TumorsForEvery1: from your school
c0oKiEmOnStA212: whats his s/n?
c0oKiEmOnStA212: where do u live?
TumorsForEvery1: i dont know, kind of weird he only gave me yours
TumorsForEvery1: massachusetts i met rob at camp
c0oKiEmOnStA212: lol
TumorsForEvery1: what
c0oKiEmOnStA212: do u have a picture?
TumorsForEvery1: oh who
c0oKiEmOnStA212: oh u
TumorsForEvery1: uhm yeah
TumorsForEvery1: direct connect-o
c0oKiEmOnStA212 wants to directly connect.
c0oKiEmOnStA212 is now directly connected.
c0oKiEmOnStA212: (She sent a picture of her self, pretty hot i must say)
TumorsForEvery1: (I sent a picture of osama i found after searching on google "hot guy")
TumorsForEvery1: jk
c0oKiEmOnStA212: heres mine if u wanna see
TumorsForEvery1: hold im take a picture
c0oKiEmOnStA212: ok
TumorsForEvery1: oh darn dinner time
TumorsForEvery1: sorry
c0oKiEmOnStA212: its okay
TumorsForEvery1: so sorry
c0oKiEmOnStA212: its okay
c0oKiEmOnStA212: its okay
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