Ср, 13:19: On the sign-in page for Yahoo! Mail is the option to sign in using my Google account. But its... why would.... I don't even...*brainsplodey*
Вт, 08:26: Holy crap! The entire cast & crew of Doctor Who (David Tennant) dance to Proclaimer's 'I'm Gonna Be'! The Ood!! *dies* http://t.co/CLP6wVb5
Вт, 08:52: RT @ daverooneyca: Kid came to the door in plain clothes except page taped to chest: "404 - Costume not found." Gave him an extra chocola ...
Вс, 11:36: RT @ floridagirlindc: Selling my sofa and dining room table (to make room for the new). Crate & Barrel stuff. LMK if interested: http://t ...
Вт, 14:59: Apparently my brother decided he could be MY classic Halloween character this Halloween without first consulting me. There WILL be words! ;)