1. real name - Caroline
2. like it - yes.
3. single or taken - taken.
4. zodiac sign - aquarius
5. male or female - female.
6. elementary - Pulaski Heights / Forrest Park / Arkansas Baptist.
7. middle - Arkansas Baptist.
8. high - Arkansas Baptist.
9. college - University of Missouri - jschool yeeahhhh.
10. hair color - brown & turning prematurely white.
11. eye color - green.
12. hair length - longish. growing it out.
13. current worry - n/a, really.
15. are you a health freak - I don't think so.
16. height - 5'5".
17. do you have a crush on someone - mer.
18. do you like yourself - most of the time.
19. piercings - 7.
20. tattoos - n/a.
21. righty or lefty - to the right, to the right.
22. first surgery - wisdom teeth?
23. first piercings - ears.
24. first best friend - mallory.
25. first award - bowling trophy for most Mr. Pins. (don't ask. tehehe).
26. first sport - gymnastics? kind of...
27. first pet - princess the cat.
28. first vacation - Florida? or maybe Iowa. I don't remember! My parents took me lots of places.
29. first teacher - Mrs. Kirshkie. (sp?)
30. first crush - Spencer...
31. orange or apple juice - orange.
32. rock or rap - rock.
33. country or screamo - country.
34. nsync or backsteet boys - bsb. *facepalm*
35. britney spears or christina aguliera - neither. I did buy Christina's first album back in the day, though...
36. night or day - evening!
37. sun or moon - sun!
38. tv or internet - internet.
39. playstation or xbox - I want a wii!
40. kiss or hug - huggz
41. iguana or turtle - tuuurtle.
42. spider or bee - spider. most
43. fall or spring - spring (summer).
44. Limewire or iTunes - Limewire. I don't pay for music...shhh.
50. drinking - cherry coke.
51. I'm about to - write some stuff...
53. singing - nothing.
54. typing - ellipsis. see? .....
55. want kids - mayyybe.
56. when - a really long time from now.
57. want to get married - I think so. *facepalm*.
58. when - a kind of long time from now.
59. where do you want to live - somewhere in the South-east US...
60. how many kids do you want - not very many.
61. any name on the mind - haha. no.
62. what did you want to be when you were little - an astronaut.
63. what do you think you'll really be doing - journalism.
64. mellow future or wild - a little bit of both would be nice. mostly mellow.
66. something you would never try - skydiving or something else terrifying and unnecessary.
67. when do you wanna die - a long time from now...
68. lips or eyes - eyes.
69. hugging or kissing - more hugggz
70. shorter or taller - taller!
71. tan skinned or light - don't care.
72. romantic or spontaneous - romantic sometimes = spontaneous.
73. dark or light hair - don't care.
74. muscular or normal - don't caaare.
75. hook-up or relationship - relationship
76. similar to you or different - mostly similar.
78. kissed a stranger - kind of. not really.
79. drank bubbles - like...carbonation? yes.
80. broken a bone - YES! my 5th metatarsal.
81. climbed up a tree - sure.
82. broken someone's heart - yes.
83. turned someone down - yes.
84. had your heart broken - not really....
85. liked a friend as more than a friend - yes.
86. yourself - yes.
87. miracles - yes.
88. love at first sight - no.
89. santa claus - YES! =P
90. kiss on first date - whatevs.
92. is there one or more people you want to be with right now - very much.
93. who is it - Alex and/or Rebekah and/or David and/or Kristen and/or my family...geez.
94. like someone - love someone.
95. text message - Bekah
96. received call - the Marin shuttle company..
97. call made - mi madre.
98. facebook message - Alex?
99. missed call -David.