(no subject)

Oct 28, 2008 22:02

01. What is your pen name?

02. What made you choose this name?
It's a nickname that I like?

03. Do you use PC or Mac?

04. What programs do you use most often?
Photoshop? Haven't done digital art much lately.

05. Do you use mouse, or tablet?
Tablet yay!

06. What color or color combinations do you find yourself using most often?
Blue plus something.

07. What part of a picture do you put most effort into?
Whatever is in the foreground / is the focus.

08. How long does it take you do draw a picture?
It depends on how much I like the picture I'm drawing. Sometimes I take forever if I don't have motivation.

09. Do you keep your rough drafts?

10. What font do you use most often?
Ten point Cambria or Times New Roman.

11. When you scan your image, what DPI do you use?
Err. I don't know.

12. Do you do anything else when you're drawing?
I always have something else going on; listening to music, or I have the television on, or something. It helps me focus. I don't know why...

13. Approximately how many pictures do you draw in a month?
Lately I've been working a lot more. So, last month, probably..eight? Well, eight full pieces, sans sketches and doodles and claystuff et cetera.

14. What kind of paper do you draw your pictures on?
Drawing paper?

15. What kind of paper do you use for rough sketches and drafts?
Sketch paper?

16. How long does it take you to ink something?
I don't do much inking. But um. Last time I did..maybe half an hour to an hour? (SHUT UP I'M SLOW.)

17. Do you do comics, or fan comics?
I have some in mind, and I've started doing sketches. Nothing big yet.

18. Do you like comics? Are they fun to make?
Yes :).

19. Have you ever submitted anything to a magazine?

20. Did it get published?

21. Who are your favorite artists?
Awesome people.

22. Do you like anime/manga? If so, what are your favorite series?

23. Do you like cartoons/comics? If so, what are your favorite series?
I dunno. I just watch what I find. (ORIGINAL SEASON OF POKEYMANS YESPLZ.)

24. Any artists that you wish you could draw like?
Lots of people. Most of the people in my Portfolio class. Most of the people I watch on deviantArt. And if it's sculpting, HANDYRAND PLZKTHNX. HE WINS AT MY LIFE.

25. Do you read a lot of books?
Yes :). Not so much recently, because I've been busy arting, but yes.

26. Did you ever buy a book to inspire or teach you to draw?
Techniques, yes. Reference, yes. But not the 'how to draw _______' ones; those are silly.

27. Any video games you enjoy?

28. Any favorite characters from video games?

29. Do you have a favorite writer?
Neil Gaiman, Charles de Lint, Shakespeare.

30. Any books you really enjoy?
Fantasy in general. Some science fiction, I've been reading that more lately. Also been reading more short stories, both fantasy/sci-fi and other genres.

31. Do you draw fanart?

32. Do you listen to music while you draw?

33. Any recommended songs?

34. Any other art websites that you really enjoy?

35. Are there any websites that you go to everyday?
Gmail, deviantArt.

36. What is your dream website like?
Something awesome-looking?

37. Do you like your own art?
I'm a perfectionist; I don't like anything I do for an extended period of time.

38. What do you enjoy watching on television?

39. Favorite celebrity?
Do authors count?

40. Favorite color?

41. Favorite food?
Xiao long bao!

42. Favorite drink?
Right now I'm liking apple cider and hot chocolate; cold-weather drinks, y'know? But I usually just drink water.

43. Do you like to go shopping? If yes, where? And for what?
Charrette, Michael's, A C Moore, Barnes and Noble, Borders, and lately...eBay -shot-. I BOUGHT KEYS, DAMMIT 8D.

44. Can you cook?
I love cooking :).

45. Any devices you use often for email? Any electronic pets?
Computer. No.

46. Are you tech-savvy?
Usually, but lately technology has kind of been hating me...

47. Do you want to become a professional artist?

48. Are there any other jobs you're interested in?
Not particularly.

49. Any other hobbies or skills besides drawing?
Claying, writing, reading, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping.

50. Do you like to watch movies?
Depends on the movie.

51. What's your favorite movie?
Any Studio Ghibli movie, Stranger than Fiction, The Terminal, Requiem for a Dream, The Illusionist; I have a lot of movies I like that aren't coming to me right now.

52. Have you ever entered an art contest?
Yeah, the one for which I made Mr Anglerfish. Didn't win, but he's my most viewed and most commented on and most favorited deviation!

53. When did you start drawing seriously?
I dunno. Forever?

54. Do you use references? If so, for what?
Yeah. For basic structure.

55. Are you a subscriber? If so, are you a beta-tester?
No :(.

56. Do you have a lot of net friends?
More online friends than real friends...

57. Do you have a lot of friends that also draw?

58. What time of the day do you usually go online?
When I'm not in school.

59. Do you like to go to chat rooms?
Kinna disorganized and dysfunctional.

60. Do you have your own computer?
Yes :).

61. What would you say to the person that you admire?

62. Does your mind wander when you draw?

63. Have you drawn poorly because you think too much?
I don't think so?

64. Do you have any friends who are professional artists?
Online friends.

65. Where do you often hang out?
The family room. My bedroom. The basement / my studiothing.

66. Are there any popular artists that you don't like much? (no need to name names if you don't want to)
Art-wise? Teruchan has too many sluts.

67. Are there any situations in which you really don't like being an Artist?
I'm not an artist yet; I'm an artist-in-training. (Hurrhurrr, that mentality, unfortunately, comes from being a crazy-ass obsessive compulsive INTP perfectionist.)

68. How about situations that make you love it?
When people who are better than me like my work.

69. What's the one thing that makes you grateful that the internet exists?
deviantArt; commissions, art trades, being-able-to-see-other-artists'-work. Is good!

70. Is there anything out there that makes you wish the internet didn't exist?

71. What's your first drawing?
Something scribbly with crayon or marker.

72. Any art you did prior to that?
I don't think there could be anything before that.

73. Has your style changed a lot since then?
I hope so.

74. If it has changed, in what ways?
Um. It's not scribbly anymore?

75. Have you experienced artist's block before?

76. If so, how do you usually get out of it?
Usually messing around with a medium I don't often work with gets me out.

77. What do you do when you can't get out of it?

78. Any people that have influenced you a lot?

79. What made you want to start drawing?
It's just what I do.

81. Has anything ever made you want to quit art all together?

82. What do you think about netiquette?
Being mean to people you don't know is lame.

83. Have you ever been spammed or trolled?

86. Do you upload high quality versions of your art submissions, or do you prefer to upload a lower quality?
Wouldn't high quality be better? o_o

87. Do you have custom CSS? If so, did you make it yourself?
I'm not a subscriber.

88. Do you have good vision?

89. If you can get anyone's autograph, whose would you get?
Neil Gaiman.

90. What would you say to that person when he or she gives you an autograph?
Tell him he's freaking awesome?

91. Do you like to draw on Oekaki BBS?

92. Do you have a job?
I need one.

93. Did you take art in school? If so, did you do well? Are you still taking it?
Yes. Yes. Yes.

94. Have you taken art lessons outside of a school setting?

95. Have you ever drawn something just because it was the cool thing to do -- the hip new fad?
I wasn't aware that drawing was a fad?

96. What's your favorite phrase/quote?
"When they give you lined paper, write the other way." - Juan Ramon Jimenez
"If you'd told me you were coming, I would have made extras!" - SYYYYLAAAAR.

97. Do you present yourself differently online than you do in your real life?

98. What's your goal now?

99. What do you have to say to yourself?
Don't sleep so late all the time, dammit.

100. Lastly, what do you have to say to everyone who read this?
This is a dA meme, so if you don't understand some of the questions, it doesn't matter.

In other news, today I learned that the first paper I wrote for my Humanities course received an A-. A good thing, since only two people scored in the A range. Gods, it was so annoyingly formulaic.
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