So, it goes like this, I cannot sleep, so I figured I would share a lot of writing. This is for you
jupiblue .
Oh yeah, if you feel like reading, go for it. But Please if you read it, I would like input. Ofcourse if you read it, and don't say anything about it..I really won't know..heh heh..err yeah.
This is some writing I did over the summer, June of 2004.
And now I'm barefoot, in morning dew wet grass. Filthy feet bare. No cares to concern myself with, because I'm letting go with a simple determination.I feel a slight twinge of pain in my feet, but I can't force myself to care. I'm just here-somewhere, nowhere. I have no other place to be, sleep won't visit me in the dark, in the night. It is pointless anyway. Everything is, because no matter how far I go, or how much I accomplish, I am still just somewhere, nowhere.
Maybe that is why I am so undriven, because everywhere I go, there I am. I'd like to believe that something had a point in my life. I'd like to feel as if some of this was of worth, but I have yet to see anything of interest-well interest that was real.
The reality of me is painfully unclear. I wish for my ideas to be transfered into words that somebody besides myself can comprehend. And I wish that I never had to look at another tomorrow, I only want to see tonight. Days only run together and confuse me. There are no days to me, only nights to ponder everything.
Human nature is the only thing that I can believe in. Whom or what created it all isn't something that I have the audasity to question. I see no point in mindless cults to worship, sing, or praise. My prayers go unfullfilled and leave me a little more bitter with each breath, and cast me into a world where I am nothing more than some creature that lurks in the night. Disappointments shatter me me in the harsh Alabama sunlight.
I try so often to simply escape truth, and logic, because they hurt me so. I fail all, because of my dissatisfaction with life. But still I continue to linger with discontent, yet shamefully wishing for more, and more. And I wonder where I can find some happiness, and comfort. Could it be in a person, or money, or faih? I have heard that happiness comes from self. If that is true, than I shall begin to settle, with nothingness, and solitude. I rarely find comfort in "self".
To allow myself to find comfort in a person, to feel some sparke of a connection is another reason for self-loathing. But how do I stop such feelings, how does one go about fixing themselves to complete frigidness?How can I be so cold, to turn my back and deprive myself of feeling something, anything? My heart aches to consider love, all I do is wander aimlessly, only finding false hopes. Each person is yet another false hope, and I hate myself for opening myself to anyone this way. I tear myself to pieces with hopes of another person destrying me, and I simply return to my faithless, hopeless, bitterness. If it is not that, then it is me stuck free falling into a deep sea of hopeless dreams, waiting to fade away one more time. To disslove again. A gentle let down provides even more pointless faith in the good of another person, yet hurting me only burys me further into the ground of embedded sorrows.
I could chose to believe nothing, not one word spoken, not one kiss, one raindrop, or even the slightest of an eye glimmer. That being easier said than done, for I am just one more closet hopeless romantic, no matter how manys times I say that I am not. All I want is to fall into warm ambrace, drenched in rain under love. Or I could lay around laughing, dance in circles and pay no mind to anything but the simple series of moments.
I want for my life to have some sort of significance, and I want to die beloved, not alone. I want something peacefully beautiful and jubilant to leave my mind and drift sweetly over page afer page. I want for something to happen that I do not regret. Something to not fall over into dusty graves, under dirtafter eons of misery. I want to sweep gently through day's sun into the moon. I want reality and truth to be something besides constant dispair and painful memories. I want to smile, and I want to feel complete. But until that day arrives (in dreams) I can only fill pages with constant ramblings, seen through the eyes of misery.
I have these past images to guide me, no praticcal use for them. They only serve to haunt me, and lead me to vacant patched of wet grass.
To be continued...