so after a fucking ridiculous day, most of which i spent thinking and worrying about my job, i found myself home and last and trying to eat some food. all this food just makes me feel sick now for some reason. ugh fuck it's so gross.
anyway, i was sort of caught in this cyclical anxiety about driving to the Y and also about working at the Y and it was very distracting because i also was working on my final chapter summary for my psych test tomorrow. it was terrible. i felt so sick but i was trying very hard to get over it.
finally it was time to leave and i actually was a little behind schedule thanks to my working on the psych summary and when i got out the door it was like 3:40.
i got lost.
well i knew where i was, but it just wasn't were i was supposed to be. so cussing and driving and fretting and hitting every fucking red light and all this shit, i took the extra-long long way to the Y and finally made it a few minutes late to my first job. what a story to tell my kids. fuck.
i got there and it was chill. i met my first instructor, B (i'm gonna use initials for you know,privacy) and he was really cool. he talked about how to handle the kids and what to do and stuff. the kids we were teaching were really little and were just getting a hang of the strokes and how to stay afloat. i was really nervous because i'm not really into kids or really enjoy being around them, but by the end of the first half hour, i pretty much got it. I had another class with B, and that was fun. My next class was with K and those kids were still really young but they were pro. i was shocked. they were swimming better than i did my freshman year! and one of them was in kindergarten! I had another class with K with the "swim team" that didn't compete and i had to keep an eye on them because they knew all the tricks. I told them when to go and stuff like that. very easy. My last two classes were with P and he was really cool. The first class was the littlest kids ever and they needed a lot of help and surveillance, but by then, i was really enjoying it. the little girl i was helping was so determined to swim freestyle. it was adorable. During the last class, P was pretty beat and we only had one kid in the class so we followed him around as he did his laps and talked about stuff like our high school swim teams competing and going to college and EMT things. it was really chill.
i'm definitely looking forward to tomorrow. except not about the car.
on my way home, i got into the driver's seat and must have mashed a button or something because the fucking car wouldn't start. it was flashing the battery sign so i was like "fuck this is the best fucking timing ever" and so i got out my phone to call my parents and my fucking phone was dead. so i got out of the car to use the phone in the Y, and the fucking car alarm went off. after about a minute of that chaos, i got the alarm off and on a hunch, i tried the car again and it worked.
i was so fucking out of there. i was fucking pissed too. i got home easily, all green lights but still pissed at the goddamn car. i half expect it to fall apart in the middle of the road. it's not actually that bad, but i sort of hate it now.
i need a drink or something now. fuck. after this fucking summary i'm feeling some advil (a lot of advil) and a shower and straight to bed.