1. Alias: None
2. Age: 24
3. Gender (due to unisex names): Female
4. Location: California
5. Vices: I don't concider anything I do a vice
6. Last book you read: Everything You Know Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies by Russ Kick (editor)
7. Last CD you bought: Who buys CDs anymore???....Uhh...The Presidents of the United States of America in 1995
8. Quote from your LJ (quote yourself): "All I want is for my future son to send his father back in time, in robot form, and impregnate me."
9. An unforgettable or favorite quote: "Mythology is ancient psychology and psychology is recent mythology." - cf. Hillman
10. How did you hear about
quoted? I think I searched 'books'