application for endlessprom

May 21, 2011 22:29

NAME: Alishia
JOURNAL: risingfire
CONTACT: inaloadedroom[at]gmail[dot]com (email); inaloadedroom (AIM); knightinqs (plurk)

FANDOM: The Invisible Man
GRADE: Sophomore
MOST LIKELY TO: Most likely to sleep through college.

• After living in the shadow of his older brother Kevin for the majority of his life, Fawkes has become something of a underachiever. Not to say that he isn't smart -- he's memorized the quotes of dozens of philosophers and prolific writers and can recall them at a moment's notice, among other things -- he just knows that most people are more interested in his brother and what he's doing, so why bother?

• Fawkes is largely cynical -- no one does anything nice for someone else without expecting something in return -- and for good reason. Mostly because everyone who's ever offered him something good has either screwed him over or wanted something from him. His own brother sprang him from a life sentence on the condition that he participate in a government funded experiment and basically become their property until its conclusion. The Official, the man in charge of the agency he went to work for, offered to help him keep his sanity after the experiment went awry in exchange for working for him. And so on and so forth. If anyone offers him anything, he's going to assume there's a catch.

• He has a real problem with authority. Understandable, given that he was on the wrong side of the law for the better part of his life, but this doesn't just apply to cops. If anyone thinks they can order him to do something, chances are he'll do the exact opposite just to spite them -- or, well, within reason, anyway. If someone told him not to hit a guy with a car, he wouldn't, as he's not the kind of person who likes to hurt people, but if they told him to keep his nose out of an argument? He'd likely start throwing his two cents or his fists into it and on the opposite side of the person who wanted him to keep out in the first place. This, as you can imagine, gets him into trouble a lot of the time.

• In spite of his cynicism, his issues with authority, and the fact that he's, well, a thief, Fawkes actually has a pretty good heart. In canon, he ended up with a life sentence not for breaking and entering -- which, well, was what he was doing -- but because the man he robbed ended up having a heart attack when he caught Fawkes, Fawkes stopped and gave him CPR rather than running away before the cops showed up when the alarm was triggered, and the man swore under oath that Fawkes had been groping him rather than trying to revive him. And that's generally how it works for him -- he'll put himself in a bad situation, someone will get hurt, and his heart will force him to do something to help without regards to his freedom or his life.

• He's generally a pretty big sissy when it comes to pain and rather useless in a fight. He knows how to throw a punch and he's in decent enough shape, sure, but he's a thief. His life has revolved around sneaking around and running away when the going gets tough -- it's why he was partnered with Bobby Hobbes in the first place. The Agency needed someone to do the heavy lifting while Fawkes was working the more covert side of things.

• Sarcasm. Fawkes has been BFFs with it for years.

• Fawkes has an irrational fear of spiders. This is the kind of man who would either grab a baseball bat to kill a spider that was smaller than a dime or, assuming no weaponry was available, run literally screaming in the other direction. Spiders on TV or in movies don't generally do it, though -- not that you'll won't catch him watching Arachnophobia anytime soon -- it has to be the real deal.

• For someone who's had as many bad things happen to him as Fawkes has, he's still managed to retain a relatively immature streak. He's not above practical jokes, rolling his eyes and generally being a dork or a smart ass when people aren't looking. Case in point? He frequently used his ability to turn invisible on and off and on again when people had their backs turned in canon, despite the fact that no one outside the agency he was working for was supposed to know about what he could do. He also may have turned just his legs invisible once or twice just to get away with loitering in a handicapped parking spot. And so on and so forth.

• In canon, Fawkes' ability to turn invisible came with a severe drawback -- namely if he used the ability too often, it broke down his higher brain functions and he went nuts. In this state, he's basically a walking ID -- he does whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and things like murder and rape seem completely acceptable to him. He has to have weekly doses of a wildly expensive, hard to produce medication known as counteragent to prevent or cure the madness and, since he always remembers what he does under the effects of the madness, he always feels terrible about the things he's done when he comes back. And boy, does he brood like a champ.

[IF YOU ARE AGING YOUR CHARACTER DOWN] HOW WILL AGING YOUR CHARACTER DOWN AFFECT THEIR PERSONALITY? Fawkes doesn't have his ability to turn invisible yet, so he doesn't have to worry about the temporary insanity that comes with it, and he's more likely to trust people as he hasn't been screwed over so many times in his life, but other than that? He's pretty much the same. He canonically started his career as a thief in junior high, after all, and Kevin probably goes to the same school and is still overshadowing him. Go, go D- average!

AU HISTORY: Fawkes was born in Grossmont, California to Mason Fawkes and a canonically unnamed mother. He was the youngest of two, proceeded by an older brother, Kevin, and for the first five years of his life, his childhood was almost idyllic. It was not to last, however, as Fawkes' father was arrested and convicted on multiple felony charges, and his mother passed away shortly after that of what Fawkes assumed was a broken heart.

Orphaned, Fawkes and his brother went to live with their maternal aunt and uncle, Celia and Paul Walters, and while Kevin adjusted well, Darien did not. Feeling overshadowed by his brother and unloved by his family, his aunt and uncle spending far more time with his brother than him, Fawkes grew up a troubled youth, falling in with the wrong crowd in junior high. Eventually, he met a much older woman by the name of Liz, and it was she who would teach him all he needed to know to follow in his father's footsteps and become a career criminal.

Over the course of a few months, Liz taught Fawkes everything she knew, only to disappear after the two of them botched a job. Liz, managing to get out before the police arrived, got off scot-free, while Fawkes got slapped with a misdemeanor charge and a few months of community service, but even after he had done his time, she never returned for him. To this day, he assumes that it's because she thought he was too young and inexperienced to be much more than a liability, and so he continues to hone his breaking and entering skills, while trying his best to do just enough to keep from flunking out of school, while hoping that she'll come back for him when he's gotten good enough. Little does he know that his age and skill had nothing to do with it -- the real reason Liz left is because she thought he was too good-hearted to ever be a decent thief, and no amount of practice will ever fix that.



verse: endless prom, misc: application
