Today is Catherines Birthday...
she was born 15 years ago today...
if that never happened...
well then today wouldnt be her birthday...
and everyone would be very sad bcuz they would have never know our wonderful catherine...
catherine this is a pome for you...
C - Cool times 4!
A - Aboslutly wonderful!
T - The koolest cat around
H - HotT! with s T's
E - Eveings where we dont go to bed till like 3 and stay up watching porn
R - Regulary living at eachothers houses!
I - Intersting in a good way
N - Needs a hug from paula?
E - End of this wonderful pome!
even thou u where my crow i still love you...
even thou your emo...i still love you!
Just becasue your have a uber kool bra doesnt mean i dont love u..cuz i love you
i love you because of moments like these!
i loved u when we were at wilson!
i love you even more now when your at my house and and u skank better them me!
Catherine i just love you and i hope u have a splended birthday and u liked this and the messages i left you
<3 Paula
oh and beacuse we have hot asses