"Either of a pair of hollow structures located in bony sockets of the skull, functioning together or independently, each having a lens capable of focusing incident light on an internal photosensitive retina from which nerve impulses are sent to the brain; the vertebrate organ of vision."
i sincerely apoplogize for that last post yesterday. please forgive me. i promise it probably wont happen again for a while so please dont take me off your friends lists or anything, that would be a bit drastic.
it is f-f-f-friday. im t-t-t-tired. s-s-sorry if i st-st-stutter. it sss...sss...seems i c-c-cant n-n-nod mmm...mmm...mmmysss..sss...sself aw-w-wake. i w-w-wonder what a nnn. nnn. n-n-normal working stiff is d-d-doing rrright n-n-now. p. p-p. prrr-prrobably something va-va-vaguely sss-sssimilar t-t-to this.