Title: The Same Stars Elsewhere
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7
Genre: Romance/Spiritual
Rating, Warnings: M for implied sex, mild drug use
Word Count: ~2500
Summary: The tactician departs shortly after the victory at Caelin. Tactician/Lyn like you least expect.
@ fe_contest I have written two highly gender-sensitive pieces of fanfiction in my life, and both have been for
fe_contest. I swear it's a coincidence.
I found this piece much harder than Woman King, however. In fact I'd say it's the most difficult piece I've tried to write in my life. Sensitive culture topics meet sensitive gender topics in an area I have little personal experience in! It's a blast.
This more or less came about when
raphien mentioned that she had never seen a Tactician/Lyn that kept everyone IC, adhered to canon, and was interesting. Me being myself, I took that as a challenge. I think the blank slate that is Mark in an otherwise well-defined world offers a lot of opportunities that are by and large not exploited. I love exploiting it, even though I tell myself I should stop writing about the tactician just to mess with people. (I previously did a supernaturally enhanced 13-year-old-Mark, for those of you who missed it.)
More specific fic notes:
- The q in Maluqa is known in linguistics as a voiceless uvular stop and you can look this up on wikipedia if you'd like to hear it for yourself. To a native English speaker, it is almost indistinguishable from the k sound. It is produced much like k, but with the tongue making contact further back in the mouth. The l is meant to be a voiced retroflex flap and is identical to Japanese r. (You can also hear this on Wikipedia.) Vowels are as they usually are on an a-i-e-o-u system and m is what you think it is. Long story short, it sounds a lot like Mark to the uninitiated.
- “Behold this day, for it is yours to make” does not belong to me, but the copyright has been expired for decades. It came in one of Black Elk's visions.
- I chose the lesser-known historic name "nádleehé" over "twospirit" because the latter seems to me to refer to more of a modern identity.
- I was ambivalent as to whether this counts as yuri because from what I could find, cultures that had the twospirit concept considered sex with a twospirit to be more or less the same thing as straight sex (sometimes with perks). However, it is decidedly a different thing to Lyn, whose culture did not have the twospirit concept, and it is from Lyn's perspective.
- Maluqa is referred to the feminine in-narrative because it adopts Lyn's perspective.
- Maluqa is in hir 30s. Maturity is hot.