What a morning....

Feb 20, 2007 22:41

I don't really have the energy to write about this in full, so I'll do so tomorrow.

The long and the short of it is my dog (an Akita) almost died this morning. He was suffering from 'bloat' and we rushed him to the emergency vet a few minutes to 6am. His chances were not good. Only 20% of surviving (and that's if the surgery didn't kill him).

Right now he's doing rather well all things considered. He's in an animal hosiptal, where they can monitor him for the next couple of days.

Oh and there's also the issue of the combined fee of the surgery and 3 to 4 day stay at the hospital..... around $6,500 (wish they had 'animal insurance' to help cover this stuff...).

Though he's alive and that's all that matters.

The other option being only about $200 to put him down when we brought him in to the vet in the morning. But as I said to my mom "You can't not try.".

So now it's a matter of time and waiting. Hopefully things will go well in the coming days and weeks.
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