your face, forever

Jul 22, 2008 20:58

hello out there ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

very_hip July 24 2008, 13:43:09 UTC
First of all, I get excited when I see that you’ve written a long entry. I also like getting my teeth cleaned, but I don’t usually get such great feedback - always need something filled. My dentist has lately had a tendency to want to schedule fillings for cavities that they didn’t mention after the cleaning…that and the fact that he gave my father an unnecessary ROOT CANAL rather than the filling that my dad was scheduled for. Needless to say, I feel like I’m getting a little swindled and mistreated. So, I’m thinking about switching up dentists. At any rate, it’s good to see how things are going. Skate night sounds like a lot of fun!


r0achie76 July 24 2008, 15:47:35 UTC
dude, definitely check into a new dentist! your dad too! that's fucking crazy and so totally not worth it. maybe someday i can be your hygienist...

skate night is a good time. the host and hostess have been making all kinds of food for everyone too! i need to get on the same page with them and start bringing some side dishes...last night one of the guys brought a big vat of homemade sangria (he's from spain). it was delicious, and nutritious! heh.


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