the "sensation" to sh!+ is not the worst, the sudden overwhelming onslaught of the drizzling shnibitz, where you gotta scrunch your butt cheeks together really hard and hope to hell it don't run out all over the place, and all before you have a chance to slow the jog to a complete halt, that is worse.... til it DOES happen, and not just a feeling, then that is worse... and yet, if it happens in an organized run, like for a charity event, a 5 or 10K, lets say, in front of all those other runners, friends, family, and most importantly, total strangers, I think that is the worst..... or, would imagine it the worst, not that that has ever happened (knocking wood frantically) to me
*falls out of chair at work laughing, only to reclaim said chair when going to post comment, reading refalscott's response, and promptly falling off laughing again- law firm is stunned but writes it off as just the weird legal helper again*
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