So it's been a while since I updated. Almost a year, in fact. So little to say. So little done. Stagnation. I haven't been writing because I've been bored, depressed. My creativity has dried up almost entirely, and I haven't written anything meaningful in months. When I try, nothing comes out. So, sorry to everyone who cares, to my
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Comments 14
This election campaign has pretty much blown my mind. If someone had taken all of what I've seen over the past year and compiled it into an all-encompassing report and presented it to the me of ten years ago, I'd tell that person that they were making up every last word of it. No matter how low I set the bar, the people of this country manage somehow to limbo right under it, every time. Sarah Palin? Are you shitting me? It's like a fever dream and I cannot wrench myself to wakefulness.
When I vote, I do so knowing that my vote neutralizes the vote of my batshit crazy fundamentalist Southern Baptist sister. That thought keeps me warm at night.
In other news, we're married, Kim and I. So at least one social progress indicator has moved in the correct direction. That's a start.
I can't believe that Missouri - of all states! - got cocked up on electoral votes. Not only did your vote cancel out some Baptist shithead's, but as it so happens, our side very nearly carried the day, and forever deprived McCain of even that small victory. Also, you've got a Dem for Governor now, and it seems we took a lot of House seats. So right the fuck on.
You like pumpkin? You are now going to email me your mailing address. Now. Schnell.
Sara Palin scares me beyond words. She scares me that someone can BE that...that...fuck if I really know how to describe it. And it scares me more that some people actually like and respect her. HOW?!?! Humor is completely subjective. What is funny to me might not be funny to someone else. Simply a matter of taste, nothing more. But basic intelligence and sanity? The lady is a stupid fucking loon! And there are folks who swoon and orgasm at her every word!
Sent in my absentee vote, though I have to wonder whether or not it makes a damn bit of difference. Mattered to me, though.
Sorry to hear you've been so unhappy; I think talking to a doctor is a very good idea. It can be hard to parse sometimes what's dissatisfaction with your situation and what's a more serious problem, but if you've felt extremely listless/sad/lethargic for an extended period of time that could well be more than circumstantial unhappiness. You know I'm well-versed in all that, so feel free to write me or IM me or whatever if you ever want to talk about it.
All the same, we should talk some time. I've become so bad with talking to people, keeping in touch, but I need to try harder.
Make sure to let me know next time you're up around this way. If you ever want to visit, we have a 'guest suite' available upstairs now.
Sarah, who is too lazy to login as saritonin
I'd love to visit sometime. We'll have to see about it after I'm making more than the bare minimum needed for survival.
Hope married life is treating you well.
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