Here's what I have so far on the homework Eric assigned me God knows how long ago. It's not much, and it's not pretty, but it's something:
Darkness emitted from the moonless night surrounded him, softened only by the light being cast faintly from the interior night lights of the console in the front of the car. The unconscious man’s face pressed against the back of the driver’s seat, his mind filled with vague and fading echoes of laughter and tinkling glasses followed by a loud, resounding crash. Alarm bells rang in his head as he bolted upright and glanced nervously around, his skull throbbing. It looked as if somebody had taken a sledgehammer and flung it at the front windshield, and sitting next to him, slumped in the seat was...a woman? She wore an embroidered snow-white wedding gown, and had a rare, simple beauty about her.
“Hey,” he said as he reached for her, his hand gently touching her arm. The woman slid to the right and landed heavily against the door with a dull thump. “Hey,” he repeated, this time reaching for her left arm and pulling her towards him. She was limp, lifeless. Simply sinking into his arms, her own arms fell to her sides to reveal a large, dark blotch that spanned out from the center of her stomach. Eyes wide, he already knew what it was. His hands fumbled for the internal light’s switch before he turned it on. A shiver rattled his bones as he stared at the gaping hole in the woman’s stomach. Without a second thought, he coolly settled her body back into the corner and reached behind him to find the door handle, never taking his eyes off her.
Sand. Sand for as far as the eye could see. And a few dunes. Off in the distance, a soft orange glow rose from the horizon. The man simply stood, staring while his head burned, overloaded with questions. Where was he? Who was the woman? Had he once loved her? What about the windshield? The one that rang out the most was "Who am I?" Upon checking each of his pockets, he discovered a wallet in the breast pocket of the tuxedo jacket that contained a card which read:
Royal Trucian Army
Lt. Arland "Grinner" Norj
I.D. No. 409-1027-56N
Height: 6'3"
Sex: M
Blood type: O+
DOB: 10-13-598
Two jade green dragons gripping an ancient shield with a strange symbol in the center of it sat positioned next to the lettering. Just above the shield was a simple gold crown. Below the symbol was what he assumed to be a picture of himself - a scruffy character with a crooked nose, a square, slightly jutting jaw, and short dark hair that came to a kind of point at the front.
Sitting in the driver’s seat, he studied the picture, and then looked up to the rear view mirror. Twisting it gruffly to where he could see his own face, he slowly looked between the card and the mirror. “Huh,” he grunted, slipping the card back into the wallet, then put the wallet into his back pocket. It was him alright; it had to be -- everything matched down to the subtle curve of his nose. Even the light and barely noticeable scar above his left eyebrow was there.
Grinner scoured the car. He looked for nothing specific, but just anything: a means of finding out more about himself, a means of discovering where he was and how he’d gotten there, a means of survival, anything. What he found was a clunky, rustic handgun, an insignia on the handle matching that of the one on the card and fit the holster he had also found, and the keys in the ignition. The keys! His hands clumsily scrambled for them, twisting them forward hard, too hard, and then twisting them back and forward again, this time with ease. The engine choked and sputtered, sounding as if it would explode any second. After a moment, it turned over, causing the entire frame of the car to rattle before it coughed and disengaged. Grinner simply sat and stared at the steering wheel, nodded, unsurprised, and got out of the car. Once he secured the holster around his torso, he took up his jacket from the sand, and, after looking back on the angelic woman that he might have loved at some time, set off towards a low, orange glow - the glow of city lights - in the distance.