6 months today.
Umm.. yeah.
And because
Name: Bin
Birthdate: June 21
Birthplace: Derry, NH
Current Location: Manch
Eye Color: For the most part, green
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'8? Although people care to differ.
Righty or Lefty: righty
Your heritage: 1/2 English, 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Danish
The shoes you wore today: Flip flops
Your weakness: Cool ranch doritos
Your fears: Not being able to say goodbye to someone. Water. Heights.
Your perfect pizza: No cheese, extra sauce, extra black olives. Mushrooms if I'm in the mood. We were just talking about this today, Colleen got it perfect, she's my true love ♥
Goal you'd like to achieve: Putting together a really decent portfolio.
Your most overused phrase on AIM: Yeh, Auh, Eh
Your thoughts first waking up: I can just sleep for 15 more minutes.
Your best physical feature: Pft..?
Your bedtime: When I'm tired.
Your best childhood memory: Family vacations to Disney.
Beverage: Water, Fruit punch, Lemonade
Fast Food: Noooooooooooo way.
Single or group dates: Depends on the mood.. groups are cool.
Beer: Triple black? I don't like beer beer.
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla, blech I hate chocolate.
Cappuccino or coffee: Mmm.. cappuccino.
Smoke: Quitting? I decided today I guess hah.
Cuss: fuck no.
Sing: Hah yeah but I suck, don't care though. You can't have everything.
Take a shower every day: Every day, every other day, depends on my mood. I won't go three days, then I feel icky.
Have a crush(es): yup yup
Do you think you've been in love: Yes
Like high school: Ups and downs.
Want to get married: Yeah maybe, maybe not. Who knows.
Believe in yourself: Not usually.
Get motion sickness: I used to, not so much anymore.
Think you're attractive: Naugh.
Think you're a health freak: Off and on.
Get along with your parents: Yeah kinda.
Like thunderstorms: No
Play an instrument: Guitar
In the past month . . .
Drank alcohol: Yes
Smoked: Yes
Done a drug: Yes
Gone on a date: A date.. ? Ah, maybe? Lol I don't know.
Gone to the mall: Yesterday with Dave to get his hair cut.
Eaten sushi: Yup ♥
Been on stage: Not in the past month.
Been dumped: Umm.. I don't think ever..
Made homemade cookies: Haha with Nat once, for Ges and Mark.. wooo good times.
Gone skinny dipping: Not in the past month.
Stolen anything: See above.
Have you ever . . .
Played a game that required removal of clothing: Nope
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Hell yeah
Been caught doing something: Are we talking about having sex, drinking, doing drugs, selling drugs, stealing, smoking, what? Because apparantly I'm not very secretive about any of that.
Been called a tease: Hah, I was a different person then. Whooo!
Gotten beaten up: No
Shoplifted: Yeah
Changed who you were to fit in: Not intentionally, maybe changes happened while adjusting to atmosphere. Suck me, beautiful.
Age you hope to be married: NEVER!
Numbers and Names of Children: NEVER
Describe your Dream Wedding: elope. In vegas.
How do you want to die: In a boating crash on the shore of a volcano about to erupt, just as I'm about to take the last bite of some tapioca pudding.
Where you want to go to college: NHiA
What do you want to be when you grow up: No idea
What country would you most like to visit: Singapore
In a guy/girl...
Best eye color? Blue, I like brown too a lot.
Best hair color?: Blonde's cool. Bright red.
Short or long hair: So, this is making me feel wicked shallow.
Height: So I'm going to talk about tapioca pudding.
Best weight: I've never had tapioca pudding before.
Number of drugs taken illegally: A few, not too many. Probably around 5.
Number of people I could trust with my life: 4?
Number of CDs that I own: Hundreds?
Number of piercings: 6
Number of tattoos: None now, designing mine though.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: I think twice?
Number of scars on my body: Noticeable? Scars disappear on me wicked fast. I have some white lines on my wrists and legs, but one on my left knuckle from a burn, one on my right hand from scratching, three on my knee from scratching, one above my knee..
Number of things in my past that I regret: 6778763223