Title: Silence
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7
Genre: Family/Drama
Rating, Warnings: T for mild language, implied-implied sex, and a horrible euphemism. Potentially triggering.
Word Count: ~1100
Summary: Regarding her uncle and what he did, her talkative father was silent. Quiet Hassar wouldn't lie with his silence. That was the real reason Madelyn chose him
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Comments 2
I... appreciated this one, very much so. Hassar is extremely attractive here as a character, and he and the many ways in which Madelyn underestimates him provides the "lift" to the story that makes it really something to enjoy. The way the whole language-barrier issue was handled here tickled me.
Her father is 'Hausen," though, not "Helman," unless that's something else the NoA adaptation cocked up.
Thanks for the review and your compliments!
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