HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, I had those moments, too. Jumping off tall cliff + 3-D + fear of heights = almost wet pants. Not kidding, during that part I actually panicked for a moment and pushed back in my seat (away from the screen).
Yes sir! The only time I nearly wet myself was during Mission Impossible 2, I just had a bladder that was about to burst, so I had to miss a few minutes.
How is the 3D nowadays? Will I need to wear glasses over my glasses? Also, my depth perception had never been that spectacular so I'm always hesitant to deal with the annoyance of glasses over glasses for something that doesn't really work for me anyway.
Also, Sherlock Holmes is at the top of my list of movies I want to see. Avatar will just have to wait.
The plot was somewhat familiar in general, but I agree that it is still a fantastic movie. Worth seeing in 3D even if for the amazing effects alone (that's not all the movie has going for it, but if it were, they would still be enough).
Comments 8
(though it was more on the lines of "I almost threw up or passed out.")
So he saw it but you didn't get to yet? :-[
This one, though, was almost wetting myself due to epic awesomeness.
Also, Sherlock Holmes is at the top of my list of movies I want to see. Avatar will just have to wait.
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