So - some of you may be part of
minimcr and that's all cool cause she led you to us! (Mwahahah...) BUT as you may have NOTICED... SOMEONE stole our map! D: So instead of a comic like I should be doing for you people I spent the last twenty minutes doing this:
Before some of you freak out - no, we're not fighting. XD I just felt like doing this cause it's amusing. That's Mikey on the bottom, by the way, not Frank. Augh to same hairstyles. XD It's difficult to tell anyone apart anymore. Besides Ray and Bob. Let's hope it stays like that for those two.
So yeah. Maybe I'll scan a comic later. Or maybe I'll make one if I catch up with Shien tonight to work on our REAL comic. Oh! That reminds me... are ANY of you planning on going to AnimeNEXT? Hm? PLEASE OMG PLEASE GO! XD Because if you DO you'll get to MEET us and we'll be having a table (Hopefully! God I need money... x_X; Maybe I should sell stuff now...) to support our comic. (: It'd be really awesome to see some of you guys and you'd get to check out the real stuff first hand. (And maybe support two soon-to-be-very-poor-out-of-high-school-"art"-kids? :DDDD
Fun times, right?
Anyways! That's about it. Maybe an update later. (:
If you haven't already done so.. SIGN THE MAP!