This one was done on the train back home from New York City. It was SUPPOSED to go with the other one but you know how things get in the way. XD; Like.. Ray leaving and stuff. Like Bono. He gets in the way a lot, doesn't he? (Shien just called me a whore bag! O_O)
If you listen to this song while reading this it's TWENTY BAZILLION TIMES FUNNIER! No, seriously. By the way, we don't actually LIKE this song. It just happens to be so funny when you imagine MCR dancin' to it. At least... some of the band dancing to it. Mikey's too busy drinking his coffee and Bob, well, he's scarred for life. Sorry about it being so messy. WE WERE ON THE TRAIN!
Cause in one pannel, Bob has this strange growth that he should probably go get checked out. Hmm.
Oh! MOVING icon, guys! Hells yea. Fancy times ten as my computer tries to take on ANOTHER picture file. ¬¬;;;
Oh yea. Mini!MCR got a "pimp" award, today! If you didn't see it in her post then well go to Mini!MCR's profile! She put it up! Oh we feel the LOOOOOOOOVE. I know you want a pimp award too. SO PIMP! (That last threatening message was brought to you by Shien's loud voice.)
Okay we're done! I gotta go drive these people home. Mmmhmm... You may never see Shien OR Zenon again! Especially if there's another 'coon involved. Ahahah.
...I mean they're perfetly safe.