
Sep 09, 2005 17:30

alright so nothing much has really happened i found out my teacher from last yr was pregnant and lied to me when i asked her about it,hah those of u who had mrs oneill yeah she's due in january! my internet has been pretty gay the past couple of days and i havent been on since like sun and today is fri. speaking of which today is sept the 9th my ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

bestfriendsf_ck September 9 2005, 15:06:03 UTC
dude how can you just make me look like the bad guy i wasnt the only one who said things they didnt mean unless you didnt mean it when you said you didnt mean what you said. "potential future boyfriend" what is that shit? not only am i a past boyfriend but i told people you WERE my gf i thought you were but apparently not anymore! people get into fights and say things they shouldnt have and thta is a flaw i have when i am angry i tend to say things i dont mean you know how sorry i am but still you put it in your entry and you're not my bitch but you have to admit that everything i wanted i got i was like your prized fucking posetion to get back at whoever and u didnt give a fuck about me you just wanted to have someone so you werent alone you know it and i know it! you have no right to talk down to me about something i have appologized about a million times. i dont want to hear about this anymore i dont even know if i want to hear about you. you werent the person i thought you were
p.s. happy birthday


r_u_p September 9 2005, 15:13:23 UTC
i was never ur gf u shouldnt have told anyone that remember u were the coward who couldnt ask me out! i guess you forgot but hey im glad id ont have to deal with it now. u were never a prized posetion lets get that straight i never used u to get back at anyone else. i cared about u. i truly did i thought u were different but you're not you're a pig! and you arent sorry for what u said you're sorry i dont want to be ur hook up buddy anymore! ur b-f-f yeah! I wasnt the person U thought i was! WOW! not thats funny since i did nothing wrong i am not sorry for what i said i say what i mean and i mean what i say. so when i say that i hate you and i hope some girl chops off your penis and gags you with it until you choke to death. thats what i mean!


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