so i've been really stressed out lately, and for a while i felt like if i write about it in here no one will ever comment and i wont feel any better. but now, i dont really care if anyone comments, because im writing this to vent, and to get my feelings out. and if u want to know whats going on in my life read it. if u want to give me feedback...
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Comments 4
I'd tell that chase lady to bug off and shove it.
I'd tell your job you need more homework time. This is the year that is most important for college.
ps. You have more for college than I do.
but that's just me. who knows you may like this C2 class...and you may improve soo much that u'll be moved up back into CC. I've found that the more bullshit you endure now, the more it will eventually pay off and u'll be glad you made this decision.
but again, it's entirely up to you.
I loooove you! i hope you feel better <333
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