L for Love - V6 clips and more

Mar 07, 2009 02:04

I side tracked again.. *horrors* should be doing my work now.. but after watching the V6 Clips and more uploaded in v6unlimited, I've been itching to translate this certain part. Kamisen did the video "editing" for this and they started off by saying this

Ken: This video,
Okada: by Kamisen
Morita: is interestingly
Ken: self created.

Okada: Everyone,
Morita: Sorry.

Ken: Just this once
Okada: we'd wanted to do this
Morita: SORRY!

Morita is so full of win!

And for the part i translated, its L for Love~ I had goose pimples watching it and Ken seems to know what's in my head XD Okada and Morita din so as well in terms of talking to an imaginary person, but still I had goosebumps XD

*disclaimer.. slight Osaka ben is a little hard.. I might have mistaken some words (hopefully not) while Go's part has some questionable  sentence i cannot figure out XD*

L - Love

Miyake Ken part

What's wrong? Why are you so down?
Anyway, won't you take a seat?
Eh? Something happened?
Do you want to talk about it?
Eh? You have no confidence in yourself?
In which aspects?
Eh? About your style?
What are you saying?
Sorry for laughing.
It's ok! Your style is not bad at all!
You're cute!
No, I'm not making fun of you.
You just lost confidence in yourself.
Your smile is the best!
Come on, give me a smile!
Yes yes, just like that.
Cause your eyes are beautiful,
so lift your fringe and look in front
Yes, just like that.
You're just a bit faint hearted.
I love seeing your smile!
It feels like I'm being drawn in
like losing the centre of balance
Ne~, can you face me
and show me more of your smile?

Okada Junichi part

Sure, I will  listen to anything.
Hurm? My favorite food.
I like anything, there isn't stuff that I dislike
My favorite movie is.. probably Independence Day
The guy who acted as the prime minister is good.
How much I liked it? About 3 times..
I watched it about 3 times.
Slowly gaining certainty on this, probably.
Somehow.......Hurm? Date?
The place I'd like to go for a date.
Well, for the place I'd like to go for a date..
There isn't any place that I'd like to go especially now.
I think any place will be just as fun if I go with the person I like
There will not be a place of destination
I think it is ok even if we are having dinner at a family restaurant
Well because I will be so nervous that I wouldn't know what is the taste like
Even if we go to the cinema too, it will be so
I think I won't be able to hear anything.
That's why I think it is fine anywhere.
Hurm? Where will I be going after this?
Well, I said this,
If I am going with the person I like, it doesn't matter.
That is why for today, I will always be here.

Go Morita part

Sorry! Suddenly asking you for advice..
Well though I always appear to be strong
I am quite weak actually
Like, even if I am smiling and talking
somehow my heart would not opened up
Maybe I am scared of the other party
Thus even though i think it's good to be together forever
or be able to go on dates
I have no confidence in such things at all
What? Whether I like that person or not?
Well I never believe in things like love at first sight
But... but I started to realize this recently
About this inspirational fellow
setting off the alarm in me, going "beep beep beep beep"
It's not about the standpoint anymore
but liking her mutually
Eh, who is that?
You didn't realize it?
When we first got together,
the same inspiration that I felt too.

kamisen, translation

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