Seven things I plan to do before I die:
1. open my business
2. have a successful marriage (every time I hear or say the word marriage, I hear the guy in Princess Bride)
3. have kids
4. move back out of my mom's house
5. sing in a band
6. publish my writings
7. be a well known artist
Seven things I can do:
1. sing
2. photography
3. write
4. cook
5. figure things out/observe
6. paint
7. sew/craftiness
Seven things difficult to do: (cos I don't belive in the words "can't")
1. get in shape/start hiking, running, biking, whatever...
2. to be a broadway star
3. not get an attitude with the idiots who come up to my counter asking for help...
4. pay my bills
5. to not be a snob
6. respect athourity
7. have confidence in myself
Seven things I say most often:
1. Shit
2. God Dammit (I don't like saying this one)
4. How can I help you?
5. Sure, please hold
6. Let me page/transfer you one more time
7. How are you?
Seven things I never thought I would do, but did:
1. drink
2. be in debt up to my freakin eyeballs
3. be working at Ukrop's as long as I have
4. drop out of school
5. be borderline anorexic
6. Go to Albequrque
7. be completely stagnant and miserable
Seven cities I've seen:
1. Chicago,IL
2. Philly,PA
3. Boston, Mass
4. Houston
5. Orlando
6. charlston, SC
7. Baltimore,MD
And the list goes on...