T E L L M E :
The color of most of the clothes you own: Blue
The number of pillows you sleep with every night: Theres 10 on my bed..but I sleep with 2 under my head
What will you be doing in 1 hour: Studying
What room you are in at this very moment: My living room
What you were doing 12 am last night: Watching TV
How old you will be in 10 years: 27.
D E S C R I B E :
What your teeth look like: They have braces
What you're wearing: Tennis shoes, pink socks with stars, a blue tank top and jeans. A black bra.
What you think you'll be doing in 10 years: Hopefully working ((accounting))
D E S C R I B E F O R M E Y O U R :
CD player: RCA. big. surround sound. black and grey
Wallet: Red, with a flag. And pink with stars. But im not allowed to use that one cause Jenn hates it
Alarm clock: Sony. Black. Had stickers on it
Hair: Blondish Brownish, past my shoulders.
Toothbrush: White and Green
Computer: I don't have a clue?
Bed: Big, and comfortable ;-)
Notebook: I carry a packet of paper, with some pens in it
W H A T C O L O R I S / A R E :
Your nails: Natural
Your eyes: Brown
D O Y O U :
Like riddles: Sort of.
Like trampolines: Yes.
Burn or tan: Both
Wear braces: Yes
Check your mail regularly: YEs
F I R S T :
Real memory of something: I remember living in California and Chicago...so I remember pretty early.
Job: Need one
Screen name: uhh...this is going back a while..but.. SmurfetteJess15? maybe? I dont remember!!
Piercing/Tattoo: Ears.
Independent home: no
Love: Lets not go there
Enemy: Kayleigh Vincent
Big trip: Ohio
Play/musical/performance: Preschool
L A S T :
Cigarette: Couple minutes ago
Good cry: Yesterday..no that was a bad cry.. I dont remember
Library book checked out: Summer
Movie seen: Hmm..Mona Lisa Smile on Friday
Book read: Irresistible Forces <~ gotta love romance novels!
Time you were sick: Now
Person you yelled at: Mr Boone today grr!!!
Beverage drank: Sprite
Crush: ..yeah..
TV show watched: Talk Sex, last night haha
Shoes worn: K Swiss
CD played: Puddle of Mudd
Item bought: Food
Annoyance: Pugsley aka my dog
Disappointment: Me.
Soda drank: Sprite
Thing written by hand: My astronomy notes
Key used: House key
Word spoken: bye!
Ice cream eaten: Popsicle
Time showered: Last night
Time amused: I dont remember
Time wanting to die: Lets not
Time in love: All the time
Time huged: I dont remember the last time I was hugged..thats sad
Time scolded: I dunno
Chair sat in: This one
Time danced: In the car coming home with Jenn
Poster looked at: I dunno
P I C K B E T W E E N :
Pen or pencil: Pen.
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi.
Butter or cream cheese: Cream cheese.
Leader or follower: Leader.
Hot or cold: Cold.
Summer or winter: Fall.
1 or 2: 2.
First or last: Last.
Top or bottom: Top.
R A N D O M N E S S :
Are you paranoid: Aren't we all. If not, they're oblivious
My throat hurts..I love naps. I took a 2 hour nap and now I feel sooo much better!!!