Hello, all.
Since I had some time off this week, I decided to finish up a crafts project that I've been leaving by the wayside: Flood-resistant comic boxes.
I'll write about that in greater detail later. For now, though, suffice it to say that I've been rummaging through my boxes in an effort to make space, get rid of things I'm likely never going to read again, and possibly even reduce the number of floodproofed boxes that I will need. This is the first box, A-C, excluding Captain America.
(When the time comes to empty out box #2, I'm going to *KEEP* the "CapWolf" story arc. It's just to campy to let go of.)
I'm going to let my friends have first pick. If I see you face-to-face on a semi-regular basis, I will set it aside for you. If not, I'll give you the comics for the price of postage. (About $3.) Pictures are available below, and you can click to enlarge them.
Whatever I don't give away here, I'll be trading at Half-Price Books or, in the case of the Avengers and The Crew comics, selling them on eBay.
Everything is already bagged and boarded.
Beyond Wonderland #0-1 of 6. The
story is a dark and dreary one based on Lewis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland (but aren't they all?). Alice Liddel, after being driven insane and suicidal by her visit to Wonderland, married raised a dysfunctional family. Daughter Calie, a drug-addled party girl, now encounters the nightmarish place and finds her brother had been terrorizing the place as a serial killer replacement of the Mad Hatter.
The entire run is collected as a trade paperback, so if you like this little sample, you can buy the trade collection and pass along the goodness to someone else. Try before you buy, and then spread the love!
Conan the Barbarian
(Marvel run) #217 and 1987 annual. These are actually in pretty good shape, considering that most 8-year-olds take crap care of their comics.
(Dark Horse run) #0 and FCBD special. The Dark Horse comics follow the stories of the original pulp novels rather than telling all-new stories. The #0 issue is penned by Kurt Busiek.
Amelia Rules! FCBD collection. Whenever Free Comic Book Day comes around, I try to get my hands on an
Amelia Rules! comic. It's an enjoyable little comic that is great for kids. If you have young children (age 6+) and/or nieces, nephews, cousins, or whatever around that age, comics are a great way to keep them reading.
The Crew #1-4.
This comic (which lasted 7 issues before getting cancelled) attempted to do an interesting thing; it tried to make a street-level, Marvel Knights-style team from characters that were previously second-bit players:
Jim Rhodes (minus the War Machine armor)Kasper Kole (a.k.a. White Tiger)Danny Vincent (a.k.a. Junta)Josiah X (a.k.a. Josiah Bradley, a.k.a. Justice)Issue #4 is actually Josiah's origin story as Justice. Those in the know recognize him as son of Truth (the black Captain America prototype, Tuskeegee Airman-style) and uncle of Patriot (who would go on to lead the Young Avengers).
Some more cynical readers thought that the comic was just a ploy to lure a more ethnic leadership by using an ethnic roster, leading the writer to respond:So I find myself having to say, more than what The Crew is, what The Crew is not. The Crew is not The Black Avengers. The Crew is not "A Ghetto Book". The Crew is not even remotely about race. Race is never even mentioned in The Crew. It is a complete non-issue.
It should be noted that Junta is actually Puerto Rican rather than black.
Anyway, the story didn't seem to go much of anywhere, but each of the four issues is a very well-written character study of each of the members. If you like complex characters, these four issues are worth a read.
(Retail value ≈ $10! Bargain hunters take note!)![](http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c28/rabbitucker/give-aways/the_crew.jpg)
Avengers #82-85 (#497-499). This is the last storyline before the landmark "Avengers Disassembled" event that disasterously dissolved the team. "Once and Invader..." parts 1-3 (a complete story later reprinted as a trade paperback) describes the origin story of the re-formed WWII-era team before the team spun off its own series. The New Invaders title is still running, and if you read it then this story arc is a must-have.
(Retail value ≈ $6.75, true-believers! What a deal! You can't get any better than FREE.)![](http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c28/rabbitucker/give-aways/once_an_invader.jpg)
Avengers #77-81 (#492-496). "Lionheart of Avalon" tells the origin story of Lionheart, who temporarily inherited the mantle of Captain Brittain from Brian Braddock. As we all know, origin stories are always better when they include a heroic, temporary death! It guest-stars everybody's favorite construction-themed supervillains, The Wrecking Crew.
Readers of New Excalibur should recognize the character right away. If you want to own her origin story, here's your chance!
(Retail value ≈ $9.50, cheapskates! Get it now!)![](http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c28/rabbitucker/give-aways/lionheart_of_avalon.jpg)
Just leave a comment if you want something, and I'll send a private message if I need any info.