(no subject)

Jan 14, 2008 16:29


CHARACTER NAME: Wilson Wei-Shan Hsu

SHORT PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Lean, angular and in good shape, obviously someone who takes pride in his body. The same can’t be said for the rest of his appearance, with oft-disheveled hair and a scraggly effort at a goatee. A nigh-perpetual grim expression and a shrewd, disdainful look that he’ll level on anyone willing to risk eye-contact. Partial to unobtrusive suits, though he never looks particularly comfortable in them.

PLAYED BY: Stephen Chow


Wilson has always been an overly-serious individual, stocked with a particularly high arsenal of righteous indignation. He feels that his duty is to fight for justice and equality, largely due to the fact that he feels constantly short-changed in each department. Although quick to anger, he’s learned to be more shrewd and careful with his outbursts.

Although his rage often complicates his goals, Wilson is a staunch idealist, believing passionately in his staunch morals. After a lifetime of feeling he hasn’t been taken seriously or often fails to instigate real change, he’s decided that he may need to compromise his mission and try for more subtle efforts, though he’s having serious difficulty in this regard.

Despite being American-born, Wilson is a devoted Chinese nationalist and a fervent advocate of human rights and racial equality. While stubbornly blind to many obvious holes in his arguments, he earnestly feels that he sits strongly upon the moral high ground for any issue with which he takes a stance.


Born to content and well-adjusted immigrant parents in a suburb of San Francisco, Wilson had a very pleasant upbringing. Despite the fact that he was from a relatively racially diverse section of America, Wilson began to suffer early from a persecution complex, constantly feeling himself oppressed because of his race.

In trouble constantly for getting into fights, Wilson’s parents were baffled as to what to do with him. He was equally horrified by how oblivious they seemed to the hostile environment around them and would constantly criticize their complacency. He was responsible for the foundation of several clubs and organizations devoted to racial equality, though often found it difficult to garner support because of his zealous attitude. He even fell in with local Chinese gangs in his youth, but grew annoyed that their political views rarely matched his own.

Wilson managed, barely, to make it through community college, blaming poor grades on a corrupt faculty and administration. He became more and more fascinated with China, feeling that it was his true home and glorifying it in his imagination. He tried to become involved with several organizations touting human rights in modern China, but was ousted each time for encouraging more radical gestures for change.

Frustrated with his inability, in his mind, to make a significant difference, Wilson finally decided to try a more covert approach. Targeting the Vance Corporation for its violations, he manages to infiltrate the company as an innocuous translator in their dealings with China.

While often horrified by what he witnessed, Wilson set about biding his time for the opportunity he could strike at the heart of the evil corporation, and make a significant leap on behalf of his people.
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