I've been drawing sporadically for the past uh... year... and a half... so I've got a fair amount to show. (approximately 44 sketches, apparently), but I'll spread them out a bit so as not to make the experience painful for everyone involved. I'll try to put them down to theme, where possible.
Hmm... this batch'll be inks and poses, to keep things sweet. This isn't "inks", as in sketches I took and put ink to, though there will be a post of those eventually, as I went through and mad-dog inked like 20+ pictures in various notebooks in a few stints over the past year. Nah, this is inks, like the inks bob had me do where it was just free-flowing pictures drawn in ink. I developed a penchant for it and would do it sometimes while bored. The poses are (usually) full-body sketches without many defining features that I intend to kick up on the inter-world and make spiffier.
01. Elbow to the Sweet Spot
This was a full-page picture I had grappled with as an attempt to get into the swing of drawing larger and livelier. It is likely the crappiest picture anatomically I will post, so good to get it out of the way first.
02. Sam and Arawn
I realized I hadn't drawn anything involving my supposed "masterpiece" comic I will one day create in over a year or two, possibly three, and so sketched out a quick impromptu pose to turn into a cover at a later date. That is her foot below his crotch; I thought it was a penis too, when I looked back at it.
03. Smashton Smashingly
I like this pose, it was done with the same intent as 1, but I wanted to be stylistic and a bit animu on top of it. I would very much like to do up some finished lines and colors on this, when possible.
04. Priss
this was mostly just anatomy, really, attempting to draw from the torso rather than the face for a better overall composition. There are a lot of parts that need a lot of work, but it's got potential to at least be rather cute and good practice for getting back in the swing of things.
05. Serendipitous
This was done after reading through Loish's tutorials and trying out her "sketch method", in as much as I could hope to do. I would like to at least finish all of these in some capacity or another.
06. Pen crap the first
I don't remember when I did this, I think at least two years ago, was just bored and had pens. Doesn't look fantastic but it still amuses me.
07. Face woman
Thick eyebrows ftw.
08. Jade hotness
This picture was supposed to be largely focused on body motion and fabric, but being pen, it soon turned to crud.
09. I don't even know
I had some bee in my bonnet, not sure what though.
10. She moves
At some point I did a series of pictures focused on being pretty.
11. Side styling
Profile examination, slightly mixed with the M&J ink stylings.
12. Princess
a more focused, bigger side profile.
13. Crafty
Mimbul be sneaky.