I want to share all Rentrer en Soi's PVs with you ^^ 'cause they're one of my favourite bands. You should try them out if you've not ever ;) A GOOD band, really. I bet you'll love Satsuki's voice XD
I swear I'll re-up it. Sorry for cause trouble >_____< Please wait in 2-3 days ( sorry but I have a test tomorrow *cry* ). I'm really really sorry TT-TT
I'm so grateful for you sharing this hard to find Res pv so please don't apologize for having a life outside of lj :-) Believe me, I'll be very happy to get it whenever you have the chance..whether it's this week or next. Doesn't matter. I'll still be very happy ^_^
I took Karasu & Bunretsu because I haven't gotten those ._.
I loved them ever since they started & especially love Satsuki's voice! It's so unique and free flowing~ >3< I loovvee RES all so much. (to be honest their entire discography has actually conquered my entire MP3 player
"Unique and free flowing~" --> *KISU* I had just listened to them since Rentrer en Soi Album. But I love all their other works. Uhm... My favourite songs are " The Flow of time" and "A prelude" :D
You're welcome. And thanks a lot for your comment <33
Hm 0___0 Of coures I'll re-up it >_____< Oh baka me did not check the links again before post entry. Really sorry for this inconvenience ;___; Hope you'll be pleased to wait. I probably will re-up !!!
Comments 26
Would you mind upping it pllllllllease? It's the only one I have missing and I love Res so so much!
Please wait in 2-3 days ( sorry but I have a test tomorrow *cry* ). I'm really really sorry TT-TT
Now re-up done. Thank you for wating *kisu*
I took Karasu & Bunretsu because I haven't gotten those ._.
I loved them ever since they started & especially love Satsuki's voice! It's so unique and free flowing~ >3< I loovvee RES all so much. (to be honest their entire discography has actually conquered my entire MP3 player
"Unique and free flowing~" --> *KISU* I had just listened to them since Rentrer en Soi Album. But I love all their other works. Uhm... My favourite songs are " The Flow of time" and "A prelude" :D
You're welcome. And thanks a lot for your comment <33
Would you mind uploading it again?
Thanks in advanced!
Of coures I'll re-up it >_____< Oh baka me did not check the links again before post entry.
Really sorry for this inconvenience ;___; Hope you'll be pleased to wait. I probably will re-up !!!
Sorry again
I should say thanks you to you!!
You're very nice!
X-posted this entry then made you wait - I think I was a bit annoying T-T.
But I finish re-up. Enjoy and forgive me <3
But am missing alot of PVs. xD;
So, taking some. Thank you~~ ^^
You're welcome <3
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