Ratings Meme Breakdown

Aug 06, 2010 14:12

When I fill out meme's like the rating's meme for a character, certain baselines tend to develop, and then I like to talk about them:

Likes: Kida tends to like you or not. And I interpret likes as how much he, as a person, likes you, as a person. Getting an 8 or so in this category pretty much means he generally has positive feelings, and 10 means he could think of no way to improve you. It isn't particularly hard to get a 10 score, just be female or very likable if you are male.

Trusts: Kida's baseline for trust is 3, this is because IZAYA HAPPENED and now he is broken and immediately suspicious of everyone. Being a girl does not automatically raise your trust level, but it makes it MUCH more easy for him to... risk himself on your behalf.

The thing is not many people GET 3's, because once he's talked to someone he has a pretty good idea of their Type. COMPLETELY HONEST AND GENUINE TYPES such as Prussia and Euphie will go up in trust pretty easily, this isn't because he thinks they are loyal to him (though he might think that as well) but because he thinks they are loyal to... something within themselves, that makes them good and trustworthy people. Regardless, these people still tend to cap at around a 6 and have to work for anything higher.

ALL NORMAL PEOPLE start at a three but will go up to a 4 or down to a 2 depending on if they leave Kida with the impression of being probably good good and decent, or of being probably deceptive and a liar. In order to get below a 2 you have to actually betray him in some way, and in order to get above a 4 you have you seriously work at it, or he has to trust you with SOMETHING and you have to not betray him.

The two most major exceptions to this are Mikado and Anri, who are exceptions for different reasons. Mikado got the CHILDHOOD BFF BOOST and Anri gets the ANRI IS SUPER HOT AND CURRENT BFF BOOST and also some guilt about how she is apparently the Slasher and they didn't trust each other before/in a different timeline, so he'll be more trusting of her now.

Respects: This is a little ethereal, and tends to go with 'Likes' but in certain cases can differ. However like the Likes section, Kida pretty much either does or doesn't respect you. The only room for middle ground is if DOESN'T like you but does recognize your abilities/danger level/intelligence and so on.

Girls automatically get a 10.

Gets Along With: Kida can get along with PRETTY MUCH ANYONE, this score less indicates how much he 'naturally' gets along with more indicates how much effort he puts into it. Sometimes they are counter balanced by the other person's personality if it's particularly abrasive. For example. Shizuo is a nine because Kida hasn't gotten beaten up yet and he's TRYING REALLY HARD but it's still Shizuo and there is that 1 in 10 chance of getting beat up. Izaya is a 2 (I think..?) because Kida actually tries to deal with him even if he hates his stinking guts.

Girls automatically get a 10.

Finds Attractive: 5 is the baseline for men, 10 is the baseline for women. You can't actually score below a 10 if you a girl. You just can't. Men having high scores doesn't necessarily indicate a desire or willingness to do anything gay (though it CAN), but it tends to be a balance of INTEREST IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY and PLATONIC AESTHETIC APPEAL. For example, Kida doesn't think Mikado is ATTRACTIVE really he just, is highly gay for him and thus attracted TO him. Meanwhile Squalo gets a balance of both being very sexy and also Kida having a giant crush on him.

Finds Interesting: Perhaps the easiest one to score high in, Kida LIKES people and tends to be interested in them. Basically anyone he genuinely considers a friend will be a 10, and plenty of other people will be 10's because they are awesome in some way. Most people will be between a 8-9 pretty easy if he gets along with or knows anything about them. Scoring low is generally an indication that you've done something to annoy him and thus lose his interest.

Girls automatically get a 10.

FINALLY, these scores are in no way indicative of people's relative importance in his life. In order to get an idea of that there would have had to be a "Loyalty To:" section, and Mikado and Anri would be at the top, with Celty and his favorite girls below them, and everyone else below that. Ultimately what Kida will do for someone is determined by how much he loyal to them, not by any other score, and in that case girls automatically start at a 5, everyone else gets a 1, and regardless you have to work your ass to get any higher.
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