Poll! Unusually lousy bird pics! Music!

Jun 19, 2007 17:20

Open to all, anon comments allowed, IP tracking on.

Poll Rache!, anyone?

"What pissed me off most at that time was the recognition that recovery is serious, hard work -- and that I was the one who had to do this (un-payed) work, who was losing time and money etc, while the people who have caused this damage still had their jobs, regular income, status, and healthy sleeping/eating patterns. I had to do the psychological work they had refused to do!" -- Re: The best revenge is a good life, rachel_bartlett 2005-07-05 06:38 pm

The most miserable my brother ever got was the winter he spent slaving away in a windowless basement cubicle for a Swiss firm. He saw daylight only during the weekends, and he got kinda suicidal. Could somebody please explain the difference between jobs like that one and medieval tower captivity?

My income is rather lousy, and will stay so as long as I am translating stuff like
    (the implementation of cross-compliance, modulation and the integrated administration and control system provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 ) ... amending Regulation (EC) No 796/2004 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of cross-compliance, modulation and the integrated administration and control system provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers and derogating from Council Regulation Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers...
-- (and I'm not even learning any cool words here!) -- but I don't envy suicide jobs like my brother's. Or my former ones.

I can have a shower, a walk, a nap, a chat any fucking time I want to. Just went outside just to look at the roses (even though I don't like roses), and didn't have to ask anybody for permission.


Dunno what kind of tree it is. Something cherry-like, very popular with small birds like sparrows. Now that it has tiny cherry-like fruits, the big birds come. Maggots -- I can't remember seeing maggots this far North a few years ago (maggots always remind me of Hoywoy and the two rivers Black Maggot [Schwarze Elster] and White Maggot [Weiße Elster] there.) And doves! The doves are definitely too heavy for the small branches that carry the fruits. They have to struggle and do funny maneuvers and they fight over the best branches and there's a lot of action here.

I'm pretty sure I didn't use the word "heck" last week.

Underdogs, Manic Street Preachers (3.89 MB) "Revenge is sweet"
Broken promises for broken hearts, (3.03 MB) She Wants Revenge

repost, poll, rec, revenge

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