Had the Best Dream Ever last night. I so didn't want to wake up.
Now, onto slightly more depressing news...I've been very bad at keeping up with international politics for...well probably the last couple of years, since I stopped doing activist stuff, but I was just looking at the
Iraq Body Count website and it occured to me that the number of Iraqi dead is, according to the website, about 6 or 7 times what it was in 2004 (I remember checking it to write an
Indymedia article). I do realise that the lancet say that the number of Iraqi deaths is much higher; but I don't feel qualified to comment on who is correct or on what differences in methodology lead to the different results. However, it is clear that numbers killed an injured have increased massively since 2004, and it is really pretty shocking that there's been no real effective opposition to the war since then.
Oh, and a friend just sent me this link via MSN -
Richard Dawkins interviews the Bishop of Oxford. Dawkins comes across pretty well, though I don't have time to watch it all now.