i know you won't see this, and im sorry it's really late, but i forgot you had an lj and i was looking through my friends and i remembered that i had been missing you (yeah it takes me a while to remember to miss someone, obviously XD) and i came here and i find THIS?! along with a giant run on sentence constructed by me?!
Comments 6
i know you won't see this, and im sorry it's really late, but i forgot you had an lj and i was looking through my friends and i remembered that i had been missing you (yeah it takes me a while to remember to miss someone, obviously XD) and i came here and i find THIS?! along with a giant run on sentence constructed by me?!
Dude, guys, you know my mom. She'll say I'm grounded for like.. months and I'm on within that week.
So basically I sneak on.
And Kayla I miss you too! I HAVE TO SHOW YOU THAT I CAN PLAY THE DCFC SONG! You needs to call me!
I willl
i need to get on this thing more
cuz there is stuff i needz to tell you!
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