I have to ask, why does all of this happen at one time!??!
I'm really frustrated and angry right now. I opted out of teaching for the time being so that I could do the CPS training and continue doing what I'm doing for Hans and PoN...
And then I get this call for a temp sub position at least for the next two weeks, possibly a month or more, starting on the 11th.
And when is my CPS training?!?! It starts the 11th.
Ugh. I would have dyed my hair normal in an instant...it would have been so nice to teach again for a little while w/o it being a permanent thing.
Of course it comes during the same time...and just after I get done getting told by someone from GaMHS that I might want to reconsider my committment to the training because I asked for a schedule. [literally, i'm hoping to get time soon to post the exchange of e-mails between the two of us so you can see that I didn't say anything that should have made her react like that...].
So I get ticked off by the CPS people, then I choose to do it anyway because it's something I really want to do, and now I get an offer to come sub-teach for a while for a bio teacher who's going out in Alpharetta?!?!
This sucks. I'm just really mad right now. End Rant.