Fic: Cradle and All

Sep 26, 2015 17:24

Title: Cradle and All
Fandom: Bones
Author: rachg82
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Brennan, Angela, Cam, and a brief appearance by Hodgins
Word Count: 1,197
Spoilers: Up to the end of the sixth season, which is where my canon departs.
Summary: This fic fulfills a topic I always wanted to see addressed during the 7th season, but never ( Read more... )

tv is my bff, i have too much time on my hands, music makes me happy, family stuff, bones, hey look i wrote fic, real life blathering

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Comments 12

cutchicoo September 27 2015, 06:58:55 UTC
This is so lovely, thank you for sharing.


rachg82 September 27 2015, 15:48:14 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!


amilyn September 27 2015, 13:51:46 UTC
I love this.

I love Brennan accepting that she needs to be gentle with herself...and I love that it's Cam's quiet, supportive voice of reason and experience that lets Brennan hear her. I love when it's Cam who reaches out to Brennan...and I love that then Brennan is able to reach out to Angela and go and talk and be okay and cry.

This is gorgeous...and, as a mom who was mourning various things at every step of my children's development....I can tell you this is spot-on perfect.


rachg82 September 27 2015, 15:47:31 UTC
Thank you! I'm so pleased it rang true to your own experiences. I think so much of grief is learning to be gentle with yourself, and I can only imagine that must be a million times more true as a new mother, where there's all this societal pressure to be the ~happiest you've ever been~ (or you must be somehow defective as a parent & human being).


tempertemper September 27 2015, 23:21:42 UTC
Oh gosh this is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. I couldn't even stop and quote any of it back (partly because I'd have to quote it all) because I was so caught up in it.

This is so real and so right and you may not be a mother but you get it spot on. I love Cam and Angela being in the same boat, because show never tackles their shared lack of moms.

Just beautiful.


rachg82 September 28 2015, 01:24:45 UTC
Thank you, bb! Perhaps I was borrowing from my experiences as an aunt, because I know I've felt guilt-ridden on so many occasions when I was with my niece & nephew & wasn't 100% happy & present feeling, as if I was somehow failing them. I assume that pressure must be even stronger if you're a parent, especially a new one.

show never tackles their shared lack of moms

I know! It drives me nuts. It's just such a glaring theme, begging to be explored further. But God knows this show isn't exactly the best at dealing with subtle character issues. They're better with dropping anvils.


crystalcazzie September 28 2015, 17:53:28 UTC
This is so lovely and you've captured their voices so well. And I do think it's a shame that the show itself didn't really address this issue but you've done a wonderful job of it yourself.


rachg82 September 28 2015, 20:14:09 UTC
Thank you! I was a little concerned the dialogue between Cam & Brennan was too saccharine, so I'm glad you felt that it was realistic.

That's one of my main complaints about the show -- that it misses so many of the more subtle opportunities for character exploration. I guess that's what fic is for though, eh?


limone1 September 28 2015, 19:33:23 UTC
This is beautiful. You capture the characters spot on. I really like it that you let Brennan and Cam be the two who have the main dialogue. I could see it play out as I read.


rachg82 September 28 2015, 20:18:42 UTC
Thank you, love. I admit I have a soft spot for Cam & Brennan relating to one another on a personal level in my fics (like in Sunset on a Broken Column, for instance), because it's something I've always wanted to see more of on the show. I feel like they have such an interesting dynamic that a friendship between them on-air would be a delight to explore. I actually kinda feel like Cam accepts Brennan for who she is even more than Angela does, just based on how she's treated her over the years.


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