Name:: meee
Age:: 17
Hair color:: brown
Eye color:: blue
Location:: in the library
Like living there?:: its amazing
Pets:: doggy and kitty
School:: here
After school activities:: soccer, hockey
Get good grades?:: sure
XXX About your friends XXX
Best friend:: u
Happy with the friends you have?:: yes
Want new friends?:: sure
Friend you call most often:: murrph or sammy
Friend who calls you most often:: murrph or sammy
Friend you talk to online most:: everyone
Friend you hang out with most:: everyone
Friend who annoys you most:: jenna
Friend you don't really want:: jenna
Any friends who became enemies:: jenna
Any enemies who became friends:: jenna
XXX Random XXX
Like to burn stuff:: yes
Drug addict:: no
Coffee addict:: no
Sex addict:: mark stuber
Watch porn:: jenna
Wear socks with sandals:: yes
Have a best friends forever necklace:: sure
Do you dress hard-core:: no
Do you dress preppy:: sure
Do you make fun of the preps:: jenna
Do you envy the preps:: jenna
What color can you not stand:: mark stuber. o wait thats a person
What band/singer do you hate most:: jenna
Do you head bang when you listen to music:: nooo
Are you in a band:: no
If not do you wish you were:: no
Do you shower everynight:: jena doesnt
Do you brush your teeth in the shower:: no
Do you smell your armpits to make sure you don't smell bad:: mark stuber
Do you wear clothes more then once before washing them:: jenna
Can you twist your tongue into a clover shape:: no
XXX Have you ever XXX
Kissed someone of the opposite sex:: jenna hahha
Kissed someone of the same sex:: no
Kissed someone you didn't like:: mark stuber
Let a dog french kiss you:: mark stuber
Been toilet papering:: yes
Been egging:: yes
Skinny-dipped:: noo
Mooned someone:: mark stuber
Prank called someone you knew:: yes
Prank called someone you didn't know:: yes
Done something with your ex:: no
Done something with your best friends ex w/o telling them:: ew
Ditched your friends to hang out with the popular:: no
been popular:: yes
Cried in school:: yes
Laughed so hard you pissed yourself:: ew no
Pissed your pants at school:: no
Been online for so long your eyes burned:: yes
Stayed on the phone all night:: yes
Eaten cat food:: mark stuber has
Eaten yellow snow not knowing that it was pissed on:: ben
Licked a metal pole in the middle of witner: ben
Been out of the state:: yes
Been out of the country:: yes
Been to Hawaii:: no
Been to the white house:: no
Been on a cruise:: yes
Been to the statue of liberty:: no