well today was the last day of middle school.. i still cant believe it. but now i cant wait for high school. and now its summer so i hope i have lots of fun this summer :)
now for like 40 pictures from today :)
haha anna in her wig :)
victor signing my yearbookkkkkkkk :)
anna :))
sweet people signing yearbooksssss
shelbyyyyyyy :)
brandi and victorrrrr :)
me and victor... yeah im really sick and like red and sweaty or something its gross.
me victor and brandiii :))
elodiii :))
holli :))
leeann and meeee
and yeah i look really sick in this one too
nate and elodii :)))
michelle :))
melissa caitlin and maddyy
holli mike and leeann :)
shelby and codyy
me and codyy haha hes sweet
and i look grossss
me and dropps um yeah i look realllllly sick in this one.
hahaha :))
michelle chris and annna hah :))
leeann and pedrooo :)
blummmmm :))
chris josh and joeyyy
jordan chris josh joey and furnoo
elodi and leeannnn :))
brent leeann and michellleeee ha :)
leeann and michelleeee :))
aww haha i took a pic of my locker ha
michellle brent and leeannnn :))
victor michellle and annnnnnnnnna
PORKCHOP and annnna :) haha
michelle me mrs shurig and hollli :)
elena and mee :))
anna and mee and i deff think this is the grossest one of me.
leeann and pedroooo :)))))
daniella :)) she deff should have won best dresseddd
kasey on the bus... haha nice mohawk