boys dont get the whole calling their girlfriend when they say they will- its happened once with jon, apparently he fell asleep? im glad i didnt stay up and wait though im sorry, i hope things get better and he understands the concept of a promise! but then again, maybe he fell asleep too? <3
guys suck they realy doshishilovesuApril 26 2004, 15:02:19 UTC
guys are gay and and the things that may be most important to us are the least important to them especially calling when they say they will and ive waited up plenty of times for my boyfriend to call and he never did u just gotta keep telling urself if they care baout me like they say they do they will eventually come to there sences and realize there bein dumb and theyll change maybe itll be to late maybe not but i know ur boyfriend cares alot about u soo itll all work out!
Comments 7
im sorry, i hope things get better and he understands the concept of a promise!
but then again, maybe he fell asleep too?
it's all good though, dont worry
boys are #1 suckage at calling when they say they will. and if they are, they must be gay.
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