What lay beyond this is a second chapter that I am somewhat proud of and somewhat not.
because I suck at writing nations.
Here, have a look at this room. The innumerable chairs are not so innumerable, you are just too lazy to count. The room is impeccable, no scorch marks, no tell tale scarlet stains, none of the signs that indicate something has gone wrong.
There was once a large gathering of the nations held here on a regular basis, but that has been ceased long ago.
"How is this possible?" you might ask.
"I thought nothing could stop these meetings permanently" you might say.
I have the sad duty of informing you that yes, these meetings are capable of being on a permanent hiatus. It was bound to happen eventually.
How, on the other hand, is a much different matter.
The people now occupying the room are talking amongst themselves. There are a number of chairs unoccupied. This seems normal to the casual observer, but then they might sense the anxiety and the underlying panic that has gripped the occupants.
A blonde man with a stern, unforgiving gaze stands. The other occupants in the room quiet themselves. He glances around the room, his gaze settling on the loudest occupants for a second longer than those who are quiet.
"As many of you are aware, there has been a series of disappearances. Those who are not in our midst are safe to presume that there has been no established contact with that nation."
The man looks up from the list he has written before he came into the room. He saw the other occupants of the room give a good look around the room. They noticed the lack of Russia's sisters, and the lack of Switzerland's gun in the corner. They also spot Austria's music sheets being held in place by one of Hungary's frying pans, an abandoned plate of pasta with two tomatoes laying next to it, and an abandoned cheeseburger wrapper held in place by a bottle of maple syrup.
"Are there any questions?"
Everyone returned their attention back to the blonde man with stern eyes. After a few moments, a blonde man with eyebrows that are larger than average stood up.
"Germany, are you sure you have not been able to establish contact with Canada and America? America is known for always having his phone on his person, and Canada never fails to contact someone if they ring him."
The man addressed as Germany opened his mouth as though he was going to respond, but the albino man next to him spoke.
"Yes England. Even the Awesome Me could not get a hold of Canada and America."
England sat down, and the person next to him stood up.
"Yes France?"
"What about Italy, Romano, and Spain? I have not been able to see my good friend and I was looking forward to today to catch up."
Germany responded, "Italy and Romano have disappeared. I have attempted to visit Italy on numerous occasions and he has not responded to any of these attempts."
The Albino then spoke, "As for Spain, I have also attempted to visit him, but like the Italy brothers there has been no sign of him.
"Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein are staying within their borders, though I have idea why they wouldn't want a visit from the awesome me."
The albino then sat down, but France then asked:
"Prussia, are you sure it's not because you stole Austria's piano wires again?"
Prussia, who was leaning back so his chair was on two legs, lost his balance and fell. Germany then looked to the ex-nation, who was now sitting on the floor rubbing at his head, and sighed. Prussia taking Austria's piano wires was not a new occurrence to him. He decided to speak again.
"We need to find out what has happened to these nations and why. Cuba has already volunteered to handle everything south of Canada and America."
The person who went by the name of Cuba stood up when he was mentioned, then sat back down. Germany continued as if no such thing happened.
"Now, the others are going to be determined by a lottery, unless anyone else would like volunteer."
The other people looked amongst themselves. England stood up.
"I volunteer to look into Canada and America's cases."
Then France and a smaller, more petite Asian stood.
"I also volunteer." they said at the same time.
Germany looked down at the pad and pen he had brought with him.
"Alright, so we have England, France, and Japan looking into the disappearance of Canada and America. Any more volunteers?"
No one else stood. Then Prussia opened his mouth.
"I volunteer the awesome me and Germany to look into the disappearance of Italy."
Germany had already written down his name for Italy's case before it dawned onto him what Prussia has said. Another sigh escaped his lips.
"Very well then. No more volunteers?"
Not a sound escaped from the other occupants.
"You will all be contacted within a week when you have been assigned a country. For now, if there are no objections, meeting adjourned."
Everyone gathered their belongings and exited the room. Although they had complete faith in what the others were doing, nothing would dispel the chill they felt grow stronger with each passing second.
They would soon learn why, of course. Because that is the way these things happen.
Taa daa???? ^^;