Ok well I think I'm making a switch from Reason to Project 5 for the bulk of my work. I've been playing around with it for about an hour or so now and it seems to be much more productive.
Reason, the rack simulator, has many functions I do like along with the ease of use. But the main problem it has is along with many of the soft-synths out there is finding the right sound your looking for. Reason operates basically on device specific files for each piece of virtual equipment you want to run. The files are not sound but a modified form of a midi file. With that in mind it kind of limits you to what you can intruduce to your music. The disturbing part is that you find these device specific sub-files in one huge Reason specific file (.RFL). You either spend alot of money on refill CDs or you can download them (which usually takes a while. After you get them you have to brows and listen to all the sounds to find what you were looking for, or the closest thing to. This can be a time consuming process seeing how each .RFL is around 600mb. To top it off most of the files were produced in low sound quality so that the highest sampling rate you can use is 44100/16bit. Then if you deal with that you cant really make much of a change to the sound... you can adjust the pitch, the ocilation, basic wave curve, and a little tone adjustment. Its like cutting a note out of a song, looping it, then adding effects to it.
Project 5 is a little more complicated to get started on but defitnitly more productive. A couple of devices still function on a device specific file structue, but the file is only a baseline. You can really tune the sound to what you really want. I haven't looked for upgrades yet though there isn't really much need at the present moment. Most of the sounds are also reproductoions of classic beat machines and synths. Also all the sounds (that I've used anyways) are all supported in 96000/24 bit sampling rate which makes for exellent recording and playback. A couple of the devices also work off .wav files so that gives you plenty of creative space to work with. The PropellerHeads did create a program for people that want to create the .RFL files, but that is more for production use... for an actual user would get far to bored with making the sound... then a day or 2 later actually applying it.
Anyways... blakabla