Mona Lisa Smile

Dec 25, 2003 22:33 this was one of those movies that was good...until the ending. i can't even say i didn't expect it because i feel like it just ended and you didn't find out anything! BOO! i really liked it, i thought it was cute, practical (set in 1953-1954), and fun to watch! the only problem, like i said, was the ending, i was looking for a little more ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

aww hunnie... campbystar11 December 26 2003, 03:57:51 UTC
Your boredom reminds me of myself everyday in my dorm room haha... I hope this will change next semester. If the weather's nice I promise to get out more :)I'm coming down to Florida tomorrow!! I can't wait, I hear the weather's be awesome you lucky girl!! I'm sorry this is so short but i have a shitton of stuff to do.. things aren't going so well right now for me.. and I still have to pack on top of everything else that's filling my mind- despite all the rest I'm getting I'm still drained.. sux!! AGH But I will talk to you in awhile cause I don't think I'll have access to a computer for the next 6 days, so enjoy yourself and have fun when you get back home! :) MWA


stillalilgirl December 26 2003, 06:13:20 UTC
i saw that movie tonight also, and i loved it, not just because i am really into art, but because of the message. but it was really cute and i would also like to recommend it, tee hee


the sun is so nice megolego22 December 27 2003, 07:39:45 UTC
I'm glad to hear that you have been having a good time in florida. It makes me jealouse to hear that you laying on the beach and I'm in Cali. Its not as cold as Philly, but its definetly too cold to lay out. I'm gunna see Mona lisa smile tomorrow, so I will tell you what I think of it. miss ya tons


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