Name: joan
Age: 15
Birthday: september
Location: michigan
Sexuality: i lov sexy men
What would you normally be seen wearing?: skirt over pants. cool pants, ANYTHING URBAN OUTFITTERS.
Clothing Stores You Like: urban, vintage shops, paris, incognitos and levis
Favorite color: sea foam green
Have You Ever Gone Commando?: yes once, i forgot to do my laundry.
8 favorite bands: oasis, broken social scene, postal service, before i go, omd, new order, cursive, and the faint
3 favorite songs: anthems for a 17 year-old gilr, hello, she's so high.
2 favorite movies: amittyville horror, the virgin suicides.
5 things you like: petting cats, coffee, stars, peopel with cool hair, and trains
5 things you dislike: ugly birds, sharks, peopel who spit alot, charleston chews, and crappy tissues
What makes you so fucking rad? i like dancing around my house, and i like being crazy and i love rad people
Do you have a boy/girl friend? not today
If so how long have you been together? ...not today.
Do you....
Drink: i love wine. but no, for the most part i dont.
Smoke: nope
Do anything you shouldn't be doing: i dont know theres a law for everything.
Any hobbies?: playing my harp, the drums, going downtown, dancing around the house when no one is home, going to local band shows.
Anything else we didn't ask that you would like us to know about you insert here: i love pez, and i love boys who wear tight pants. and i love neon things, and i love rad people
Whore us to someone and leave the link: Finally 3-6 pictures of you:
me hugging my best friend jon
me at my old preschool, and me downtown.
im too sorry i dont have any really up close up pictures right now