Monday: Bake, Work
Tuesday: Hide in room for six hours, Work.
Wednesday: X-Files.
Thursday: Bake, Bake.
Friday: Work, Socialising.
Saturday: Bake, Bake, Work.
Monday: Spontaneous craving-satisfying speedbake of apple and cranberry muffins in the hour before I had to leave for work. Completely delicious just out of the oven.
Thursday: 1. Attempt to replicate the delicious fresh stawberry and cherry tart from a couple weeks ago, to take to Friday night socialising. It didn't go marvellously, as I did something weird with imitation rum, and had to use tinned cherries (and blueberries!) which were sort of gross. Still an enjoyable tart.
2. A Tiramisu for Dad's birthday, Freakin' delicious. Marscapone cheese is expensive.
Saturday: 1. Decided to usurp The Cheesecake Shop's role in making Dad a cheesecake to take to Nonna's tomorrow. Risky stuff, as I've never made a cheesecake before, and the masses will be expecting delicious cheesecake. It's a baked cappuccino cheesecake, and I was a bit frightened by how dark the outside of it is, but apparently that's what baked cheesecakes look like on the outside. Also I put more, and stronger, coffee in than specified. Fingers crossed for a successful cake-cutting tomorrow afternoon.
2. Intended to make Afghan cookies to take to a Glee marathon tomorrow, but discovered a lack of cocoa powder. Combined with an unwillingness to go back to the shops, this meant I would look through the rest of the "A" volume of Mum's old Women's Weekly Cooking Encyclopedia for something else to do. Considered a number of Almond recipes, then settled on a simple Apple Turnover recipe. Basically puff pastry + apples. Simple as anything, rather delicious. Should go down well. Plus Kira doesn't like apple-y baked goods but she's not coming tomorrow so neeerrrrrrr.
Sam hosted another HSM night, to watch the third film. More people attended this time, including Kira and Tina. Yaaaay I like them both. We trekked to Video Ezy to rent the film, and on the way back transported Kira in a trolley for a time. It's funny because she's little. It was a good night, quite...cozy, given the small space in Sam's tv area, and the number of people. But very relaxed and friendly and fuzzy. The Northern Contingent had to take a train home at 1AM, because none of The Northern Contingent can drive. I wish both Tina and Kira luck in their driving tests :)
Boo work. Yeah it's sort of enjoyable sometimes, and I got to work with Tina on Australia Day, for the first time since she's been back, and my two extra shifts mean Hooray For Pay, but boo work, okay?
Most of the point of this entry was filler for the opportunity to post this meme, so humour me, will you? Everyone who reads this, please. It probably requires the least effort for participation in any meme:
Give me a letter and I'll upload a song or two for you starting with that letter.
Easy peasy pants.