(no subject)

Feb 17, 2010 17:25

Comment and I'll give you a letter, then you have to list ten people/places/things you love/like that begin with that letter.

lanafromoz gave me P.


Are delicious. I defy anyone to watch an episode of Pushing Daisies and not crave pies for the rest of the week. I need to bake more fruit pies. I bought a pie dish recently and it's awesome.
Meat pies are good too, even though Italian Cousin Gio is appalled by the thought of them.


Uni for me would suck so much more without the UWA Pantomime Society. Sure we've sort of moved away from the traditional English pantomime of strictly fairytales, at Christmas time, and whatnot, but I think we may have inadvertently created our own form of theatre descendent of Pantomime, and it's awesome, and everybody involved with it is awesome.

Parks and Recreation

image Click to view

One of the four shows that I watch on a weekly basis that make me like previous favourites The Office and How I Met Your Mother less. It's really funny, guys. I especially like Aziz Ansari, who plays Tom. Featured in this strange promotional clip. I mostly like him because of the face he makes as demonstrated at 0:03 in the video. =D
Here's another of my favourite clips, from Fred Armisen's guest appearance:

image Click to view

This can either refer to this pair:

and the shenanigans they get up to together in their epic bromance, or alternatively, this hot piece of hypothetical ass:

Yeah it's so attractive it doesn't even exist.


Ironically, I am not currently wearing pants. But I am for them as a concept. Hooray for pants.


We rag on it a lot, but it's secretly awesome somehow. I seriously love looking at the river on the bus on the way to uni, and that sort of delicious expansive blueness couldn't exist in a bigger, more ~exciting~ city, so I appreciate, ok.

Parlare italiano

(lol this photo, thanks Google. Good depiction of literally speaking 'italian')
I think you've all heard me rant often enough about how much I love (and am awesome at) Italian. It is my surprise!major, after being so unsure about enrolling in just one unit last year. :')


The only thing I want from France.




Eeeeeeeeverybody likes parfait.

Hello! The past few days have been mostly related to the acquisition of a passport. Gemma came over on Monday to sign my godawful photos and whatnot, in exchange for cheesecake brownies (which I have now made three times in two weeks they're so good). Yesterday I had my interview to lodge it, and was told that I'd brought the wrong document for one of the sections. LE FFFFFUUUUUUU-. I was pretty pissed off, because I'd bussed to Joondalup and waited around for NOTHIIIIING. Plus they told me there wasn't another appointment slot open until the 22nd, when Uni goes back. Luckily I managed to book an appointment for today at Whitfords.

I decided to get my hair cut today as well, to ease the feeling that I'd made two bus trips over two days in separate directions to do the same thing. I needed a cut before uni went back anyway, so it worked out fine. I was worried that it wouldn't be done as nicely as last time, because i really liked that lady but didn't know her name and didn't want to say 'small blonde oldish english woman please'. Oddly ended up with a small blonde youngish english woman instead, and whilst I think she went shorter than I asked her to, I quite like the result. It's weird being a short-haired person. I am concerned about it all falling out of a ponytail at work. Also we made a fair bit more small talk than I like, but it was mostly about Italy so it was ok :D


I wasn't sure how long the cut would take, or if I'd have to wait beforehand, so I gave myself a fair bit of leeway because I get really paranoid about time. Unfortunately it left me with an hour and a half to spend alone at Whitfords without being able to spend any money. Annoying. I looked at lots of cook books, mostly. I like fancy baking books. Even found a book from Planet Cake, which is pretty much the most famous EPIC CAKES bakery in Australia. See? http://www.planetcake.com.au/couturecakes/wedding.php

I got to the Post Office about 15 minutes early just in case they were free and I could get in before my appointment time, but had to wait in a line consisting solely of me, as the lady explained to another customer about 40 times that her son's photo wasn't clear enough. No real dramas with the application this time, except that I failed at signing my name inside the box. The form needs to be clearer on the fact that you are ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED TO STRAY OUTSIDE THE WHITE BOX. Whatever. The point is it's done now and I just have to wait for it to arrive. Then I can skip the country yaaay.

So I got to the bus stop to go home, but had missed the last bus by like two minutes, and the next wasn't coming for half an hour, so I went in search for lunch. However I generally refuse to pay more than $5 for lunch, and more than $4 for a weeny salad. I ended up getting a continental panino from Gelatino's. I'm so impressed by the appearance of their pastry and biscotti selection. Also I lol'd, because they have a big A4 paper sign on their gelato display freezer that says "PLEASE SPECIFY CUP OR CONE WHEN ODERING", or something along those lines, and I could relate, maaaaan. The number of times I have to say 'cup or cone....CUP? OR CONE?' at work, fffuuuu.

SO THENNNN I came home in the hopes of looking at and editing my uni timetable, but it hadn't been put up by the time they said it would be, so I basically refreshed the page for like an hour. And somehow I got all my 1st Preferences! As a result I quite love my timetable, I think. There's lots of building-hopping, though. And I do enjoy the adrenalin rush of trying to change out of classes :P. Now we just have to sort out weekly times to socialise with people I like socialising with. But I have a Torts small-group class with Kira three times a week! Yay! I've not had friends in my law tutes yet so it'll be weird and awesome.

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