Hihi! Keep up with the blog- it's now in video form and therefore requires less effort for you to experience (although it does take a certain amount of time). Here's the latest video- at least just watch it for the 8.8 second intro:
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Comments 1
Yesterday at rehearsal we all heard your talking over the loudspeaker in the Dolphin Theatre and we all enjoyed it. Many a cry of 'NICOLA! I HEAR NICOLA! WHERE IS SHE? I MISS YOUUU' were had. Apparently some Pantees (Alysha) are now spreading word that you have been exiled to Italy after touching the backdrop that NO ONE MAY TOUCH. It is a good motivation to not touch it.
DAMN YOUR INHERENT MANLINESS!! I had the sound down low and then that part was loud and I enjoyed it.
YEAH ALYSHA. NO ASSIGNMENTS DURING PRODUCTION WEEK. Haha your goofy smile when you talk about Panto is so great. I think everyone gets that smile when they talk about Panto. Needless to say I will be wearing my amazing new Panto shirt around UWA all day tomorrow and pimping it out.
I liked your pizza story. It was really expressive. Poor dude who bought his own pizza. This is a weird place to end my comment, but what can you do. haha!
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