Wassup LJ.
I've made a post for A Day In My Life but I've copied it all here too. Yay. This was what I did on Friday.
Awake (after much snoozing) at 9:32, according to the ancient phone my housing service gave me. I don't complain, it's not much less advanced than my phone at home. I'm a bit cheap, not gonna lie.
Traditional Shower Music. Just this song on repeat. If you haven't heard it before I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. Best way to start a day.
My shower, on the other hand, is comically awful. The shower head is broken so it's not so much a shower head as a very high faucet. And the water temperature is very difficult to control. At least it can generally be trusted to become somewhat hot, unlike the shower in my previous Milan apartment. OH MY GOD WHINGE WHINGE WHINGE.
Coffee time! No whingeing here.
Plus Parks & Recreation is finally back, and I have cake I'd made the night before, and a mug with Zac Efron's face on it which I brought from home because I am so devoted to it. See, it's not all bad.
My roommate Cristina is awake! And doesn't want to be photographed in her pre-shower state. We're both awake this morning because we have organised to run errands together. TEAM WORK.
Empty the dishwasher whilst watching Amy Poehler on Ellen.
Time check! And a view out my kitchen window. This is a really nice building/area.
I spend about half an hour trying to get a decent 'ready to go out' photo after getting dressed and putting makeup on. Lucky Cristina takes ages to get ready so I have time to faff about.
And we set off outside! BLUE SKY! Milan likes for its sky to be white a lot of the time, so I'm happy today.
View down the street (and camera deciding the sky is white after all...)
I like Italian street signs. This is my street. I've said 'street' three times in three sentences. Street street street.
Into the Metro, and waiting for a train. Cristina is willing to be photographed now.
Cristina has an appointment at the police station. This police station is located next to some ruins. No big deal. I'm with her for moral support because she's sort of creeped out by the police officer she's meeting, who sneakily got her phone number and added her on Facebook and keeps asking her out even though he's engaged. Oh, Italy. We get turned away at the door and told it's closed, so we walk toward the next errand location before she gets a phone call from the creepy police officer, saying of course it's not closed, come back. We go back. We talk to another officer who insists that the guy Cristina has been communicating with isn't there. We leave again.
The International Student Centre place where I have to pick up a package (a textbook I had to order from Amazon, and had delivered to the office of our housing service) and my certificates from the Italian language courses I took. The housing service has lost my package, as they moved office since it arrived. The person I need to collect my certificates from is not in. Errands are not going well so far.
Cristina seems to have sorted out her issue with the police miscommunication, so she goes back to the police station and I head to the main campus of the university for two more errands: collecting my lost Student I.D. card from my faculty, and purchasing another textbook which I've been chasing up for a couple of months now.
Fancy clock time check!
My faculty office is closed. Fffffuuuu.
I kick a wall in frustration.
And gaze bitterly at the pretty grass which is NOT FOR SITTING ON. My university at home has lovely ovals and grassed areas for sitting on and I miss them.
To the book shop!
No lines. But also no book. "Come back next week". fffuuuu
So that's 4/4 errands failed. I am anguished. Cristina and I organised to meet here when we were both done (neither of us have phone credit), so I sit and wallow in defeat.
I'm hungry so I consume some crackers I'd put in my bag. They are dry and boring and taste of failure.
I notice a familiar girl leaving the building. At first I can't quite place how I know her, but soon realise that she was an exchange student at my home university in 2009, and was in my linguistics class. I go after her and we chat for a bit (mostly about my faily day). She recognised me immediately but she looked puzzled throughout the conversation so I don't think she ever figured out who I was. Though my broken Italian would have been a clue.
I leave her with the group she was talking to, taking a creepy photo of their backs. Creepy. I've decided to go get real food and a beverage, figuring I'll probably run into Cristina if she's on her way.
Stroke of genius: I'll get my beverage from the vending machines at the International office, because they're infinitely cheaper than everywhere else. And whilst there I'll use a computer to contact Cristina via Facebook to determine a Plan B if we fail to find each other.
I'm pleased to have the opportunity to get rid of some of my copious coins.
Acqua frizzante! Carbonated water isn't very commonly available in Australia but I've developed a taste for it here.
And I get a coffee too.
I love these machines. So many options! I get a Caffè Macchiato, then head upstairs to use a computer. Sidetracked, I go onto the First floor where there is only one computer, instead of the Third where there are many. I'm too lazy to keep going up stairs so I decide just to wait for the person at the computer to be finished. Approaching, I realise...
The person at the computer is Cristina! My mind is blown. She's sad because the police guy cut the photo off her resume.
Now we can get food! We go to this awesome pasticceria/bakery/place. I get a hamburger thing and she gets a piadina. I marvel at the place, as I do every time I go there. Look!
Spot the focaccia with fries. Whaaaat, Italy? Really?
Cristina needed to go to the bank but it was closed for the next 20 minutes.
We've been walking back and forth up this street all daaaaay.
Cristina prints off another copy of her resume.
And I meet a dog.
Called Sly! Which was my dead cat's name. Naw.
Bank. The lady sitting on the left asked us for directions, to the print shop we were just at, of all places! We fumbled around with our Italian to assist her.
Descend into the Metro once more.
Covet this lady's bag.
Arrive at the San Babila area, where there are lots of fancy fashion label stores.
Fancy clock time check!
Hilariously fancy Abercrombie store, where Cristina applies for a job. Turns out she didn't need her resume after all. D'oh.
On our way home, past a park.
This dog made me laugh.
Pretty corner.
I really like our street okay.
I Skype with my sister. She says Hi. Hi Aly.
Time for Community, more coffee, and more cake. This time Cristina watches TV with me. Community is my favourite <3
Right, yes, studying. Because I have an exam very soon.
Some of my 'notes' in my exercise book.
I call in reinforcements. Italian M&Ms taste weird but I'm still addicted to them.
Break for The Office and brie. And a mini olive focaccia.
Attempt to chat with my bff but the internet connection is terrible in her hostel. She's in America on exchange, but her semester's over so she's traveling around before heading home.
We fare better on Skype chat, as I watch The Big Bang Theory.
I've become very sleepy and can't focus on reading anymore so get into my PJ's and record a voice/accent meme for LJ. (It turns out stupid and I delete it :P)
Vanilla tea and banana time.
I need music whilst I make tea. And time check in the corner there.
So the night's not a total waste, study-wise, I watch one of the films for my History Of Italian Cinema exam. L'Inferno (as in Dante's) from 1911. It is weird.
Time check! Another film before sleep?
Yeah. Gli uomini, che mascalzoni! (What Scoundrels Men Are!)
Illogical post-toothbrushing banana, set the alarm for tomorrow, and we call it a day.