
Nov 10, 2005 22:21

Mention two things, in order, that you hate about your favourite anime/manga. Fandom or canon. Why?

1.- Yuugiou Genex.

Because is a piece of shit. It's not even Yuugiou, no millenium items, no Atemu, no Katsuya, pseudo-Yuugi, and Flashback!Seto. Sad attempt to gather fans with "Asuka" because she is "ZOMG!! like obviously Seto and Katsuya's daughter". Juudai is a stupid kid with amazing abilities at Duel Monsters... so? I mean, seriously can someone please explain me the PLOT of this thing? The interesting part.

And by the way, I love the oh so original names of the houses..........am I the only one who thinks that (besides being a good attempt at keeping business running) Seto is like very OOC wanting to teach the young minds how to play M&W?


1/2.- Bad/overly-done fics

wndinfielnñAELISFBNaelNFALILDnwLINASDNELAN!!! I hate those. Puppyshipping ones are a great example: Emo!Jou meets Sugarbunnycomprehensivesavior!Seto and live happily ever after, fucking every damn hour... Honestly, I wouldn't hate them so much if at least the lemons were good, but no joy.

I hate OOC-ness in serious fics. I mean if it's a crack!fic go ahead, but please...please if you are going to write, try to respect the characters personality. That would be nice.

2.- Anti-puppyshippers

Because I hate their bitchy rants and their reasons to hate them. "Because they are not canon and because they are rivals (...) and hate *roll eyes* each other. And look, we have a community against them and we can write with propper grammar. We own. But... ZZZZZZZZZZZZOMGWTFBBQ!!! SetOXSeRenity and JOEYxMai OTP!!!!! BIZZZCHEEESS!!2!!1!!!eleven! CANONRLZ! DIE PLZTHNXBYE <3!"

And best part is, they don't want anyone to bash their community because is rude, when they are bashing our pairing. Isn't that rude? If you are going to have an anti-site -either if it's for a pairing or character- read this rules:

Rules for assholes
Myself included because I used to own the Anzu hatelisting.
Anti-puppyshipping sites/communities dedicated to you with ♥.

Rule #1: SHUT THE FUCK UP about someone being rude if they tell you something you don't want to read and stick a finger up your ass because you are provoking fans.

Rule #2: Eat every single comment they want to throw at you. They have the right to do so.

Rule #2.1: Instead of replying with insults (if they insult you), try to be reasonable and explain... don't make fun of them with your "slave-friends" that support every single thing you say. Be smart enough to deal with this; if you bitch about being SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO right about everything, surely you can handle them... riiight? O___o

Rule #3: NEVER insult a fan. If you want to bash the pairing/character, it's ok but don't send people to beat the shit out of others just because they don't agree with you. *cough*POLARSHIPPERS*cough*.

Rule #4: Face it, you actually care.

Rule #6: Never argue with "it's canon" for pairings that actually never are. Not even hinted. If you can't stand this or it's your #1 argument, DON'T open the damn site/community to bash others. Mine's as canon as yours.

Rule #6.1: Failing in #6 means you have zero functional neurons. And that's sad =(

Rule #7: Never use information (ie. supporting essays) or fanart from pro-sites/fans for bashing purposes. N-E-V-E-R.

Rule #8: Masturbate. You are angry with life.

If you don't like/agree about something I wrote here. EAT ME! XDDDD


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