top 5 embarrassing moments: august 19th
5. i was trying to get the last bit of hand lotion out of my bottle. so i closed it up and shook it downwards. when i opened the cap, it exploded all over my face right before someone walks by, then backs up and exclaims, what happened?!...yeah, it must've looked like something else. eww, get your mind out of the gutter you perv!
4. you know when something happens that's kinda bad, but you know if you look back on it one day, it can be really funny? (but it's all in the timing!) well my co-workers took me out for lunch and we were all gathered round eating and chatting away. then i made a joke about one of them and everyone's response = silence. i swear, you could hear crickets. yeah, apparently the story was NOT funny yet.
3. my supervisor asked me to do some work for her, but i had to use her computer. it was colder at her desk than mine so i got all sniffely. then i had to sneeze, but it came unexpectedly. so i sneezed all over her keyboard. eww, i know! but it gets better, i quickly try to wipe it off and be inconspicuous and lo and behold...guess who's standing right behind me watching the whole time? i'll give you one guess.
2. i'm speaking with one of our fairly important customers on the phone about some account numbers. i'm reading them off to him like so...
the first account is R(as in roger) S (as in sara) H (as in hat) N (as in nancy) 23874 D (as in, uh dude).
DUDE? who the hell am i? the guy who sat next to me couldn't stop laughing and i was trying to hold it in too (my laughter/extreme embarrassment)...though the customer didn't think it was very funny.
1. i work on the first floor of the building. i had to run some mail up to the second floor. they were doing all this painting on the staircase, but i was too lazy to walk around to use the other one. they had fans set up along the staircase to dry the paint faster. on my way back down, my skirt caught some wind and woo! peep show for the entire first floor. it wouldn't have been so bad if not a lot of people were looking, but it just so happened that at that exact moment, someone slammed the door at the top of the staircase and everyone turned to look. i have such great timing. then! i'm all flustered so i make a mad dash down the stairs and nearly lose my balance, but i grab on to the railing. you know, the one with the big sign that says WET PAINT. and what's my natural reaction, to cover my face in shame! meet miss blue hand/face.
thank god this is my last day. after all the antics of today, i won't be able to show my face least for awhile.
more proof why i sincerely believe my life is one of those awkward comedies where everything goes wrong and while you feel bad for the main character, what you really want to do is point and laugh. like you needed more proof though, right? BOO urns.