(no subject)

Feb 24, 2004 01:24

Ugh I just woke up from hunger. I'm trying to lose weight. It's kind of working a little bit not really. I woke up to eat but then I relized I can't eat. Totally lame. Oh well. Any words of of motivation would help right now. I'm in my underwear.

current clothing: tanktop and underwear. I was sleeping.
current mood: Sleepy and Hungry.
current taste: Nothing I haven't eaten
current hair: Messy Ponytail I just woke up
current annoyance: I'm tired and hngry but trying to loose weight
current smell: Night
current thing you ought to be doing: Sleeping.
current jewelry: Rings
current book: A bunch of them.
current refreshment: Ale
current worry: I needed to do my histogram for IPS
current crush: where to start?
current favorite celebrity: Dunno...Ewan Mcgregor, Jake Gyllenahal? (spelling)
current longing: TO EAT
current music: Snored
current wish: To seee Peifey!
current lyric in your head: Mr.Sandman...send me a dream bah bah bah bah....
current undergarments: I'm weairng my undergarments as clothing.
current regret: waking up
current desktop picture: Swirly blue stuff.
current plans for tonight/weekend: PEIFER!
current disappointment: I'm trying to lose weight.
current amusement: My hair.
current IM/person you're talking to: No one's on.
current love: You.
current obsession: Oh god.
current avoidance: Life.
current thing or things on your wall: Upstairs...posters down here...pictures.
current favorite book: My Heartbeat possibly?
current favorite movie: Trainspotting.

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